They say he was trying to make a left turn when the light was still red. Something isn't right here. It just doesn't add up. Look at the position of the red car. How did it get there in the oncoming position? You would think maybe he was in the oncoming lane to begin with and crashed and moved the car to that position, maybe. No, look at the position of his car. He went through other cars that were there. He must have rammed into all of them when they were waiting for the light, but then how did the oncoming red car get there? Does not compute.,-118.4973454,3a,68.2y,321.17h,103.28t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sUMNa_9r4PDAObJPMMx9nbw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192
Nothing weird about the lights or intersection. Doesn't make sense. Could Arnold be lying to protect the person in the red car?
HAHAAA! Holy shit! That black man won't do shit with 6 billion of them surrounding him.
Who the fuck goes around buying all this matching gear and custom made morale patches of that twisted American flag. They obviously have funding to buy all that shit and someone is paying and organizing. Are there buses involved by anychance?
It's like "displacing" after your first shot. They been using buses. It would have been obvious connection. Change it to U-Haul trucks but same subversive operations.