Orange Book Bad!
The Orange Book is a compendium of significant unimplemented, nonmonetary
recommendations for improving departmental operations. The Office of Inspector General
(OIG) believes that implementation of these recommendations will benefit the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) and its customers through increased operational effectiveness
and assurance that governmental resources are controlled by reliable financial management and
accounting systems.
Generally, these recommendations can be implemented by administrative action, while some call
for a change in legislation. Although these recommendations generally have a nonmonetary
impact when implemented, the Department may achieve some programmatic savings. The OIG
recommendations for proposed legislation are not removed until the law has been enacted—not
just proposed. For administrative issues, recommendations are not removed until the action has
been substantially completed.
The Orange Book supplements other OIG reports. The Inspector General Act requires that
OIGs' semiannual reports to the Congress include "…an identification of each significant
recommendation described in previous semiannual reports on which corrective action has not
been completed." In compliance with the Act, significant recommendations are highlighted in
the semiannual reports. Because of the abbreviated nature of these reports and the potentially
significant impact of OIG recommendations, we prepare the Orange Book to elaborate further
on our most significant nonmonetary issues. Through the Orange Book, HHS officials, Office of
Management and Budget officials, and the Congress have in one document significant program