>jim was here last bread
your bar of validity is extraordinarily low
here are tits
>jim was here last bread
your bar of validity is extraordinarily low
here are tits
no one cares, aflb
so you don't discern on here and you just follow the post stream which is entirely made up of aflb/oss?
cool bro
have fun with that
post literally anything about a current event with your voice recording
that's why i asked about the football game
but post literally anything that can be tied to this day right now
what the fuck is a "pipshit" you dipshit
if Q asked "how are the anons progressing"
this screenshot would make him leave forever
how do you not see what they are doing now that they no longer have the moderator status
so thats what this whole night was about
the fact that cuban made some drugs cheap for people and you people cant handle it
love it
the entire op was a marketing play
or literally just post anything that's relevant at all
this is playschool mediamatters bullshit
are you honestly this fucking dumb
or rather
do you honestly think we are this fucking dumb
your larp is adorable
its all /comms/ now
if you dont see the shift then
you are worshiping a faggot
you are all talking to women
oh so you figured it out then?