There is a method to their madness. The laws, news, FF's, fed backed shills, contradictory misinformation, and degrading mandates are all part of their plan. They want us humiliated, divided, uncertain. They want the economy to grind to a hault, they want us protesting in the streets, they want us angry and confused, bickering among ourselves. They want us divided and fighting each other. They remain hidden and perform their acts through proxies, so we do not know which way the attacks are coming. We become paranoid and see evil in the ones we called friend. Our anger is boiled by lack of being able to touch that which is hurting us. We become unstable and are willing to lash out at anything we do not agree with or understand. This is the game. When the people are set against each other, hope banished, families divided, recourse refused, all they need is a match and we become our own destruction. We will burn down our very home to scratch the itch they have set within us.
We must be strong. We must keep our eyes open and know what is being done. We must stay connected to each other and hold each other up. The ones who survive occupation are the ones who band together and provide shelter from the storm. Do not give the fire fuel. Let it burn itself out, they will run out of tender. Then their time will be over.