dubs chek'ed
have some kitty related memes
pussys everywhere
cats are noice
day shift, night shift
there is only manufactured division.
we over all we get on like siblings
just let something habben to them that we can point at and kek at
insane, fat over entitled jewish old hag,
nothing to see here, move along.
mental illness is something that is proud of now days
don't you know
noice to see positive actions for a change instead of fcukery.
anon will monitor and assist however making sure to criticize if necessary.
must be tough inside and out.
strengthen the feelz meter average
nothing personal,
it is general
that includes you
anon is still waiting for the come back tour.
it will be glorious
made this just for that occasion.
trump and gold connect.
some peeps do not like the artist
but it fits and drives the normies nuts using one of their own.
testing old vid to see if it works.
anon made loads of little vid clips with music.
This was one with biden and rat trap music
the storm, one of anons first few videos and still used often here
anon enjoyed doing them when had a real urge and inspiration,
lacking lately.
What this anon has done has picked up other skills up to baker level, albeit only amateur level for now, note taker, most anons know the image anon posts and digz at B.I.S level and beyond.
Anon believes this year we will get to the banksters level and then the shit will hit the fan,
All the rest is distraction.
as individuals we are just the sum of the parts, united we are a force to be reckoned with.
anon has no delusions of grandeur.
this place and the hive mind is their enemy
it is why they attack, change laws, put out a million hit pieces, make fake movies, documentaries around the world.
We know
They know we know
The know we know they know
yet they continue a losing battle
something to think about and celebrate.
As Trump stated recently.
there are more of us then them
They have never faced a force as large and as motivated as Q, Trump and the anons.
they would have to kill their own infrastructure to win, everything thing they have built including the internet and digital control, banking, operations, electric grids.
no one lives this place alive, but what you do with your life while you are here will echo through the ages.
the magnitude of it all is biblical.
saw this vid dropped by an anon