>Some are here to post LARPs
Anons understand the power of imagination. LARPing is the single most powerful force in existence.
>Some are here to post LARPs
Anons understand the power of imagination. LARPing is the single most powerful force in existence.
Look at that. I'm beginning the trek up the mountain.
>>Haters only hate the people they can't be and the things they can't have.
All evil stems from attachment.
The angels fell for their desire.
>the Rothschilds
I had an 'what if' moment the other day and ran the summation that the Roths (at least most of them) are actually the good guys, extracting Lynne De Forester Rothschild, surely.
London is Roths central
BitChute is hosted out of London
BitChute is the only truly free-expression platform available anymore that gets any sort of high-volume traffic
Roths make money on economies
Destroying economies is NOT in their interest
Roths have destroyed millenia-old dynasties in a matter of a couple hundred years.
When Nathan was confronted by Luke Rudowski, he seemed completely baffled by the accusations thrown at him.
Also, he is a trillionaire, why give some young punk reporter the time of day?
Nothing of them backing communism makes any sense.
They own the world, travel freely, live extravagantly.
Communism does them no good. There's no benefit.
>Anon, best to take some friends to share the view with.
Peals before Swine, and all that.
I do try, though.
Some just aren't very far in their journey and mistake the rocks for trees.
"What have these people ever built?" - Dana White on (The media)
"What great structure can the jew point to and say they have built?" - Henry Ford, The International Jew
Contact your local sheriff and file a criminal complaint for Coercion. If all habbened as your explaining, it's a Felony.
>Can't have a board where no one is allowed to post.
Just use /deepdigs
Nobody posts there.