>This video proves
I almost ID+ him/her but you faggots keep talking to it
Do you think angels and higher dimensional beings have to worry about illness, getting sick etc?
Then you have to ask why not?
What I have read is that sickness and illness are low vibrations and if you vibrate in low vibrational frequencies then you are susceptible to it.
If you vibrate in high vibrations like the heavenly realm or high dimensional beings, then sickness cannot affect you and will not survive in the higher frequencies.
Raise you vibration and you stay healthy and possibly live much longer.
How to raise your vibration?
Meditation, nature, love, happiness, laughter, kindness, patience, to name a few ways.
The tree huggers were right after all.
>everything is illusion
How many times has Q said "enjoy the show" or you're watching a movie etc.?
Now it makes moar sense
I wonder what convinced Jim to take the board back?