Their petty hate LARP is all they have in their quiver. They're losing on the regular and they don't want us to know it. It must be so demoralizing for them, bringing irrational hate tactics that worked for years, but no longer, to a logic fight. Basically they're just the board equivalent of a mentally ill homeless person on a street corner yelling at the sky. Hold the line, it's almost time for the advance.
>what is the counter?
I'm going to recommend that you don't eat shit, it's not very tasty, gets between your teeth, and you end up with ass breath.
What you're doing, by claiming that 'Q's the boss," morphed into "Jim's the boss," is no different than the fake news media linking Q and Anon into QAnon.
Are you seriously trying to explain the cost of running this board with certificates? Oh my but you're retarded. Electricity, space to house the server, etc.
>Jim lied through omitting information yesterday, when talking about ssl certificates.
VanwaTech DDoS protetion, 128ducks img server, etc., etc. It all adds up. Show evidence that he lied through omission. And why the fuck does the site owner have to justify to you the cost of running this board? Why is it so important to you?
Surely if you make it they will come, RetardOSS.
>it only costs around $10k a month for Youtube,
Go post on your board board, retard. Maybe if you spam your gaslighting over there it'll have more of an effect?
What a waste of quads by a gaslighting retard that lost her BV position.
Who loves you and who do you love?
Keep telling us how righteous you are, Grima Wormtongue.
I know we were told for years to not reply to shills, to ignore them, to filter them, but it's just so much fun to slap them upside the head in front of everyone every now and then. If the retard speaks the truth then surely everyone will migrate to her board that she gatekeeps.
>We need some 40,000 ft view updates to rile the troops back up too from Q.
With no new drops we'd need to re-scan the terrain again from 40K feet; we've been told multiple times that we have more than we know apparently. Where should we restart? No name in Syria? The Biltmore pool? NK? Banking? The triumvirate? There's so much to coverโฆ