Anonymous ID: 562350 Jan. 23, 2022, 4:24 p.m. No.15445700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5712


Fuck the feelings of ego.

Heal all traumas.

Get to the point of neutrality.

Zero point.

The way out is within.




We won, but in order to change the matrix reality, it must happen in the aether(thoughts, prayers, words of intention) first…


Think of the universe like a big restaurant, order what you want, think it, know it, live it in frequency and it manifests. The frequency has to match in the brain/heart.


Understand and see the stories and narratives for what they truly are: distractions.


We were born creators.

Remember who you are.

Remember why you are here right now.



Anonymous ID: 562350 Jan. 23, 2022, 5:20 p.m. No.15445999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6066 >>6128 >>6160 >>6245 >>6261 >>6402 >>6407

MR POOL COMMS: Red Dragon [China Missile] From The Sea, Watch The Water, Sky Event, Necessary Scare, The EBS


Mr Pool posted a picture from his EBS video and edited it to include a RED DRAGON in the sea. The Red Dragon connects to China. RED DRAGON = 86 = MISSILE.


The Red Dragon also connects to CHINESE NEW YEARS = 173 = MISSILE FROM CHINA.


The delta between Mr Pool's Twitter post and Telegram repost was 35 minutes, and 35 = CHINA.


Posting at 11:44pm =23:44, connecting to Q2344 Are you ready to see arrests? 11:44pm => ELEVEN FORTY FOUR PM = 236 = PREPARE FOR THE STORM = The China Missile Strike = Missile Scare and EBS Launch.


Was this what George News meant by: "Yes, weight and sea… not wait and see"? YES, WEIGHT = 121 = CHINA MISSILE = SKY EVENT. And YES, WEIGHT AND SEA = 165 = DEFCON 1 [non-nuclear] = Comes From The Sea = Chinese Submarine.


This echoes WATCH THE WATER = 155 = MISSILE BY SUB = Necessary Scare.


It seems China will create the necessary event to launch EBS, The Storm, etc.



Anonymous ID: 562350 Jan. 23, 2022, 5:43 p.m. No.15446128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6190



Chinese New Year begins Feb 1, 2022

Year of the Tiger.

Water Tiger.




Chinese people will get 7 days off from work from January 31 - February 6 in 2022.


Sea tigers in the military history from several countries.


Paper planes(MIA JA tweet)

Paper tigers (Chinese subs)


Gotta go for a walk to think about this…