So, basically, the Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of Khazars. And oh yeah, where do you think the land of Khazar was? Right smack where modern Ukraine is!
There is an article in the Times of Israel from March 2014 that says, ” Yup, Jews are Khazars and there is a plan for reverse migration from Israel to Ukraine.” Another leading Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, had an article titled “When Ukraine was run by Jews,” talking about the Khazar connection as well.
Khazaria 2.0? The Planned Jewish Migration Out of Israel – to Ukraine
Genetic research showing that eastern European Jews do indeed originate from the historical region of Khazaria in Central Asia and not Palestine has been officially accepted, which Jim Wald discusses below. Curiously, a mere month before this news was released in 2014, the western-backed coup in Ukraine erupted. Just a coincidence? As our first author JC Collins observes, the war in Ukraine was intended to clear the Russians out of the Donbas and Crimea.
And Khazakhstan, a large country some distance to the east of Ukraine (see map), has been developing relations with Israel since the collapse of the Soviet Union around 1990, relations on a number of key fronts. Astana, its capital located in the far north-east of the country, has undergone a construction boom with key monuments having a strongly Masonic character.
As Collins observes, strange times on the new world frontier.