Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:10 p.m. No.15447141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are all well aware that the US has been under serious attack by those in power since its inception. The only nation on Earth to support the concept of the people holding power over govenment (aka those with wealth).


This could not be permitted by those in power as it would eliminate their power should the American experiment actually succeed. Most of the world up to this time has always been under some form of autocracy or tyrrany. As American ideals began spreading around the world to many western nations after we became an independent nation, the powers became more violent in their approaches to restore their tyrannical hold on the world. I grew up watching black clad protestors on tell-a-vision causing violence to disrupt peaceful transition to America's ideas. Alas, this violence has now come to the shores of the last bastion of hope in the world, however, it has been a very, very, slow and deliberate process. We can all agree that the slow takeover became very apparent by 1871 when the civil war failed to destroy our nation and the corporate takeover began. Several other attempts were made to bring our nation to its knees. Two world wars (the second, I believe, is still underway) and numerous regional conflicts, gutting of our our nation's financial wealth, destruction of our manufacturing capacity. All of this has been duly noted here and elsewhere over the past decades by those willing to speak out against the machine.

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:11 p.m. No.15447143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7165

Infiltration, not invasion…


When fighting back against an enemy with unlimited resources and worldwide reach, one cannot simply flick a switch and turn it off. Hell, we cannot even identify the enemy we are fighting. Or can we? It is well documented that the Bush (Prescott) and Walker (George) dynasties have been central players in the effort to destroy this nation. Both were heavily involved in supporting both sides of the WWII conflict. Therefore it would not be surprising to find that the two families would be joined through a man rumored to be a Nazi spy planted in the US (George H Scherff, Jr.) who would eventually become the 41st president of this nation (George Herbert Walker Bush). I place some merit in this story as how would 41's parents have known their son would marry into the "George Walker" family when he was born? Coincidence? GHWB was given this name at adoption by Presott Bush knowing full well that George Walker and he were working together for the same cause. The ultimate rape and destruction of America for the powers that be. GHWB would be in all the right places and supported by all the right people.

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:11 p.m. No.15447145   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We have it all…


One of the key things that those in power seek is information on those they cannot trust. While intelligence gathering has been in use since the founding of our nation, it was time to reign in all of this information under a central authority which ultimately reduces the potential for those untrusted to be able to see and act upon such informaton. Shortly after WWII, Harry Truman set up the CIA to centralize all information collected for presentation to the president. The powers that be saw to it that their own people, the Dulles brothers along with GHWB, were tasked with the formation. Within only 5 years Harry Truman found that he had created a monster as the CIA had become a rogue entity uncontrolled by the US government. Through Operation Paperclip Nazi agents who escaped Germany after WWII became the controlling interest of the CIA, I'm sure with plenty of millions in support from Hitler and others.

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:12 p.m. No.15447147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7186

We hear you breathing…


Truman despised the CIA to such an extent that he had a new intelligence entity formed towards the tail end of his second term. This entity would eventually evolve into the NSA on Nov 4, 1952 the day that Eisenhower, a Military man, won the presidential election. I believe this was the first volly in the battle our favorite reporter has made us aware of. Now the power brokers could smell a rat so they made sure that the implementation was handled by the Secretary of Defense at the time who happened to be a Yale graduate and employee and partner of the same business occupied by Prescott Bush and the Dulles brothers. Remember, military leaders watched first hand after WWII how our politicians and government entities caved so easily to the enemy (Nazis/Wealth) which we had fought for 5 long years. The NSA initially was tasked with gathering Signals Intelligence not only of our enemies but also from our own govenment (CIA). I'm sure Truman and Eisenhower were well versed on what was happening under their noses, the lust for absolute power by the powers that controlled our govenment. In the beginning the NSA was under the watchful eye of the CIA as their leadership was a member of the NSA's oversight committee, however, I'm sure that since the NSA was military rather than civilian that not all SigInt was forthcoming to the committee or especially to the CIA.

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:12 p.m. No.15447148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military is the only way…


It is my belief that while the government was well under the control of the powers of the world (wealth) and had full faith that their plants (Dulles/Bush & others) could control what was made available to government, they failed to observe and understand the growth of Military Intelligence that was quickly amassing evidence against not only our own government but those who exerted control over it. This fully explains the speech given by Eisenhower when he departed the Whitehouse. He had seen nearly 8 years worth of evidence the NSA had been collecting, the extent of the corruption and the power players involved including GHWB. Eisenhower was simply providing a stern warning to those who would listen of the storm that was to come. I am absolutely sure that Eisenhower briefed Kennedy extesively which also explains Kennedy's desire to destroy the CIA. My belief is that Eisenhower's speech let the perverbial cat out of the bag and the powers had to clamp down on the little people who believed they could topple them. This is what got Kennedy assissinated. It was the ultimate "we are in control" message to the people and the military.

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:12 p.m. No.15447149   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These people are stupid…


Messaging relayed to us indicates that the Kennedy killing was the ultimate red line for those in the NSA who had been tasked with CIA oversight. I believe it highly likely that this was where MI was forced to turn a major player on the power broker's team. GHWB was photographed in Dallas the morning Kennedy was murdered. We all know full well that if there is one photo, there has to be 100 photos, all collected by MI. The single photo released was a warning to GHWB that MI would expose him for the Nazi plant that he was but the published photo was grainy enough to provide plausible deniability in the press so it did not make a major splash in the eyes of the greater public. GHWB was now comped but the powers in control did not think much of it. GHWB became a double agent. We all know GHWB was intrumental in setting up Skull and Crossbones Society, his involvement with the illuminati through his wife, his connections to the power brokers and the rogue CIA. For many years GHWB was forced to collect direct intelligence against all of these players. Had he not, I believe he would have been executed for treason immediately following the photo disclosure. This also explains why some of the documents on the Kennedy assassination remain hidden - the investigation aginst the entities involved is still ongoing!

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:12 p.m. No.15447150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Symbolism will be their downfall…


GHWB cooperates with MI and is permitted to follow the guidance of the power brokers in their quest for dominance under the Fourth Reich (Nazi World Order) while the military begins to formulate a plan of attack that will take down their entire worldwide system of corruption. This is no simple task. Corruption centers at the time were widely dispersed with no central power structure but communicated extensively through symbolism which went unnoticed by the greater world. GHWB becomes a major player in the power structure as he is able to get things done in government (under the watchful eye of MI). GHWB reorganizes the power brokers leadership structure into a lean system that will allow them to advance their plans in an expedited manner (Bohemia Grove, Davos, etc.). GHWB is also tasked with the cleanup and restructuring of the CIA in the mid 70's. The careful rearrangement of all of these entities was a requirement of MI to permit them to better collect SigInt and evidence against all parties concerned. Consider that from the start of Truman forming the beginnings of the NSA (~1950) to the time GHWB sat at in the VP spot at the top of power in the Whitehouse was 30 years (Done in 30 #1?). It was during these years that the power brokers enjoyed relative anonymity. War in Vietnam, manufacturing to China, gas and oil shortages driving prices through the roof, massive interest, Watergate, captives in Iran. I'm sure the power brokers had to dial it down when Reagan stepped into the picture so GHWB would look good once he got assigned to the ticket. Were the Reagan years better because Reagan was not on the team or because GHWB was?

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:12 p.m. No.15447152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Done in 30…


GHWB had become a top dog in the power brokers human catalog and was rewarded with the US Presidency in 1988 as a thank you for a job well done. He was also bestowed the privilege of announcing the coming New World Order to the masses. We all know they must announce their intentions in advance to prevent them from incurring any penalty for their actions. The announcement was memorable and given on September 11, 1990 in front of Congress under the auspecies of a Presidential Address on the Persian Gulf. I have always believed this to be the "go" signal for the final phase of the takedown of America which was to be completed by 2021 (Agenda 21) or roughly 30 years. The video can be seen here:

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:12 p.m. No.15447157   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've watched this speech numerous times and fully believe that this speech terrified the powers that be to such an extent that GHWB was removed as President after a single term. While GHWB did push the power brokers' message of oil control, united armies, UN controls and that Iraq's actions that amounted to the "first challenge to the New World Order", pay attention to his descriptions that the NWO was to focus on the strong not attacking the weak, the rule of law supplanting lawlessness, enhanced freedom and peace among all nations working together in harmony. This is the antithesis of how the power brokers have operated historically! This NWO is not the vision of the power brokers, but the perceived world order that Military Intelligence intends once the power brokers are removed from their thrones. Listen to the praise GHWB offers our own Military personnel tasked with eliminating the Iraqi threat - I'm positive MI required those little side notes along with the massive applause that follows each statement of praise. GHWB concludes his speech echoing many of the points DJT made during his campaign and administration such as dinging our dependence on foreign goods and deficit spending. His recommendations regarding tax reduction, oil production increases, enterprise zones, increased defense spending and debt reduction fall right in line with DJT's policies. His final message of unity? Well, where have we heard that before? Do the power brokers now have a problem on their hands? Is GHWB a loose cannon? He was pushed quickly from the public eye by the power brokers and was likely not involved in anything of significance once out of office. His son would pick up the baton, so to speak. I believe GHWB was permitted to remain alive and his family unscathed until his death only as a condition for his cooperation with MI. My intuition tells me that the letters distributed at his funeral, which heavily shocked his family, was that he declared to them that he was a double agent working for MI since 1963.

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:13 p.m. No.15447158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Two days ahead of schedule…


One of the key takaways I had from the speech is that GHWB made extensive comments about meeting with Russian Leader Gorbachev at Helsinki. This meeting has significance as he indicates a new partersip was formed among nations. This meeting occurred on Sept 9, 1990 two days prior to the NWO speech. Keep in mind that this meeting coincides with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the fall of communism in Russia. The power brokers are in the process of losing their grasp on Russia and Eastern Europe. It is my belief that Reagan, who was not a player for the power brokers, initiated an agreement with Russia to eradicate the power brokers and it was confirmed by Bush at the Helsinki meeting two days ahead of the power brokers schedule to trigger the final push to the NWO. We know that the NWO was documented by our favorite reporter here in post 140 where in the beginning of the post he states three families control the "NWO" but later in the post he asks "What is the New World Order?". Post 936 indicates that the power brokers NWO is not the "New World Order" but rather a "Nazi World Order" or better identified as a communist world order as Nazism and Communism are two sides of the same coin. In post 133 we find Putin claiming that the New World Order worships Satan. Does anyone honestly believe Russia would have signed on to an agreement with Bush in 1990 knowing he was part of the power brokers plan for world domination? Remember Putin was still part of the KGB during Gorbachev's administration so I'm sure he would have had influence on presidential decisions of this magnatude. I believe Helsinki represents the start of MI's 30 year plan to eradicate the menace. What can we find from our reporter on September 9, 2020? Post 4641 - The Precipice! The activation of the American People in definace of the NWO. Before the military can fully remove the power brokers, it must awaken the masses to the corruption to avoid causing substantial political fallout. For 30 years MI has been preparing evidence, legal documentation and steering political fights and public opinion in ways that lead the powerful to make mistakes and engage in criminal activities which MI can act upon at the proper time. Confirmation of September 9 being the finish line? See posts 2131 and 2139. Both on Sept 10, 2018 indicating "time is up" with [0:00] markers.

Anonymous ID: 828826 Jan. 23, 2022, 8:13 p.m. No.15447160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7178 >>7211

The calm before the storm…


Trump arrives unexpectedly and gives an ominous warning that was followed by someone visitng this board in 2017 with in-depth knowledge of what goes on in government. This insight is now without dispute as time has passed. As part of the posts an interesting theory evolved that Done in 30 may also indicate 30 cycles of the clock which has mystified many since its inception. 30 cycles of the clock can be interprited several ways. We can start at midnight position (Oct 8, 2017) and run 1800 days to arrive at Sept 12, 2022. Posts on this date indicate military planning at its finest (2018). Starting on the first post on Oct 28, 2017 (20 minute marker) and running 1800 days arrives at Oct 2, 2022 indicating symbolism will be their downfall (2018). If we instead take the clock all the way to the end of day on the 30th cycle which is 1840 days, we arrive at November 11, 2022 indicating let the world witness the truth along with indictment placeholders (2018), America will be unified again and indictments coming (2019). The Nov 11 2022 date makes me sit back and say we have some real potential for Done in 30 being clock related. By everything I have seen, we'll have to hit the mid terms before the real fireworks begin. Looking back on not only this board's breadth of information regarding the C_A but also Trump's actions while in office all point to the fall of the primary tool of the power brokers (CIA) at the hands of the US Military in EO 12333 deployed Jan 7, 2021. Section 1.7(c)(2) drops the CIAs capability for SigInt collection. Once the eyes and ears of the enemy can no longer see and hear, the game can no longer be played. The enemy can only lash about wildly hoping to strike that which disable it. Sound familiar? If Nov 11, 2022 is our marker, then post 2450 on Nov 7 regarding showing us a new world has substantial relevance. We are almost there. I am so ready!