In Star Trek TNG epidode Datalore from 1990
The Enterprise visits Data's home planet which was dying when he was found there.
This is a child's drawing made shortly before Data was found
Data says that he does not know what the child was attempting to portray
But it looks a lot like Corona Virus…
Ever notice that the early media coverage of Omicron
Often used the term Omnicron in the headlines
Even though Omicron was used in the articles?
Makes me think of Latin/Greek terminology like
Greek TELE (Far) and Latin VISION (Seeing)
Far Seeing
Latin OMNI (All) and Greek CRON (Time)
All Time
Is this hinting that Omicron is really a viral transported
That confers immunity to all colds (including CoronaVirus)
And all flus,for ALL TIME!!!?