stop taking acid ffs
>maybe it's morse code I counted 17 flashes !
oy vey, you can't be paying out on the (((leprechauns)))
6 millionz gorillionz of (((them))) were holocausted in the potato famine of 1945
wtf sort of low energy meme is that ?
Boomers are all about to shuffle into the grave from ADE
They greedily took the vax shots and boosters like they greedily sucked the world dry of everything else
Boomers are like vacuum cleaners, they hoover up all the gibs, just like the juden
Now, if we cleaned out Africa, China and Pakistan and India, we'd wipe out about 5 billion or so rice-niggers, curry-niggers and banana munching jungle-bunnies
It would make a good start, then get rid of all trannies and gays and muslims and black ameri-niggers & all sand-niggers
Hey, do I sound like Klaus Schwab ?
That man is based
ahh, it gladdens my heart no end to see the ZOG enforcer puppets on the receiving end of justice from the angry mobs !
well done !
indians / streetshitters
digits checked