Fucking dismal times.
Hey Gary.
Republican Senator Says Secret Service Stonewalling On Hunter Biden Info As New Revelations Discovered
The Secret Service is not handing over the answers to questions about President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden that Republican senators have wanted, according to Republican Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley.
A group of Republican senators sent a letter to Secret Service Director James Murray asking for any communications or documents related to Hunter Biden’s travels in the years 2010, 2011, and 2013, Breitbart News reported.
When he appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Friday Sen. Grassley said that they have been given some information, but are stonewalling on more.
“It’s just like pulling teeth to get answers from the Executive Branch, particularly on this subject. But the public is entitled to this information. Transparency brings accountability and ought to know what extent we know Hunter Biden traveled sometimes in an airplane with his father, and also there is an uncle, James Biden, that is involved in this, as well. I can’t make any accusations against the president of the United States, but I think we have a right to know what the son was doing in those instances, and these records from the Secret Service and the travel of him and the Secret Service would help us fill in details,” he said.
Taiwan: Taipei residents protest for Chiang Kai-shek statue preservation
Before all is said and done, I reckon Cucker will go down with all the rest of the MSM scumfucks.
I no twat. Anyone else can sauce?
'''Press Release: On The Eve of Washington March, COVID Declaration
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Robert W Malone MD, MS
Jan 22
Who is that Irishman?