>Iranians have shit on Brandon, too. If you ask me
Oct 17, 2020 3:42:05 PM EDT
UKRAINE, China, Iraq, Iran, …… opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.
How do you protect your interests [shelter from prosecution _public awareness]?
Control [infiltrate] DOJ, FBI, State, Intel, News, ……..?
How many fired FBI [Russia _Midyear] received a book deal?
Book deals can be lucrative.
Follow the family.
US taxpayer(s) paid for it all.
Feb 06, 2020 11:40:18 PM EST
How many people [removed] from the FBI had IRANian family backgrounds?
The Silent War Continues…..
Feb 06, 2020 11:16:52 PM EST
Think $1,800,000,000 Hussein WH Ukraine [which bank?].
Think US AID Ukraine
Think WW AID Ukraine
Think U1 [sale of US uranium to Russia]
Sold out US to benefit Russia for personal financial gain?
Risked US National Security for personal financial gain?
How was payment made to US person(s)?
Think Ukraine.
Think IRAN.
Russia & IRAN allies?
Russia, IRAN, & China allies?
US pol corruption China
US pol corruption Ukraine [US leverage on behalf of…]
US pol corruption Russia
US pol corruption IRAN
Common denominator: China, Russia, and IRAN: Closed financial systems?
Logical thinking.