Thank you, Baker!
Tits or GTFO
Found the retard.
Retards and wood chippers. KEK!
I like how BO made a post that became a lightning rod. They can't help but seethe.
No matter how hard you try to blend in, you'll always stick out. You should head over to the /Halfmind board; it's more your style.
>Who you hiding from?
Your stupidity knows no bounds. I was raised to not pick on the mentally handicapped, but it's just too much fun exposing you retards and slapping you around for a bit.
>Yeah faggots like you werent around when OSS was banning everyone. Clearly comms has returned. The board has become tainted.
Pssstโฆ. your absolute retardery is showing. I was one of the first to call out the bullshit in May last year, a day or two after queen retard took up the BV mantle.
You sure told me. TOP FUCKING KEK!
OSS called in backup. Those poor bastards.