Starts Woodchipper
Starts Woodchipper
Places Bread #19400+ into the chipper
can only imagine why comms was so useless during all this time and yet so opportunistically helpful.
So organic.
>When OSS arrived after refplatformig, the two joined forces to kill the kitchen
Uh, incorrect.
When OSS arrived after refplatformig, the two joined forces to kill the kitchen
OSS Spoke up after too many anons started to try and fight over the bake during high output times during Q bakes.
You are framing and taking advantage of your position as BO of this board.
nowโฆ if you knew and witnessed all thisโฆ
where were you and your faggot friends this whole time?
OSS muh OSS muh OSS.
Yoiu are fucking fake and gay.
Please step right this way into the chipper -I mean fun house, lad.
So, where's all the Q research that's supposed to be going on now that the board has ''"some sort of direction"''
Sure as fuck left out the Africa Digs a few breads ago,What's up with that?
Who's the Real White supremacists?
Why are leftists being posted here? This is supposed to be squeaky clean ship because muh paytriot self rightous we have done no evil nore do we ever holy are thou crew has assembled.
Found the one who's race probably wouldn't get mentioned if they were the victim of a violent crime by a person of color
No, definitely noticed the lack of muh jewstuff at the bottom of every dough for quite some time.
You know why grifters often get fed?
Because an animal that is too fat to run is easy prey.
and at very least they have a blackmail to hold against them
>Your stupidity knows no bounds. I was raised to not pick on the mentally handicapped, but it's just too much fun exposing you retards and slapping you around for a bit.
Oh ohhohohh you you gotem buddy.
Clearly high on yourself or something else.
Yeah faggots like you werent around when OSS was banning everyone. Clearly comms has returned. The board has become tainted.
You need to stop luring unsuspecting anons to QR now that it is toxic in a bad way.
Comms crew is a bunch of phramie alcoholics hahaha fucking faggots.
Take the whole bottle and fucking OD self righteous fake fucking faggots.
then try to talk to me about fucking Jesus. Fuck you.
Kill your fucking selves or get fucking right faggots
>May last year
uh yeah, and?
> I was one of the first to call out the bullshit in May last year, a day or two after queen retard took up the BV mantle.
>>May last year
>uh yeah, and?
>> I was one of the first to call out the bullshit in May last year, a day or two after queen retard took up the BV mantle.
Sauce it bitch.
You dont fucking have it because you faggots have been on the run since fucking october.
Nonono, LAST October not Oct21' Fucking clown.
Enjoy hell.
How's it feel to nearly spoil the show faggot?
and to think you were going to blame a fucking anon eh?
Fucking Clownshow.
Don't forget to throw anons under the bus later because fuck them right faggot?
Jim who's these characters that keep making vasgue references to anons?
Kinda fucking curious Jim we can all meet.
What's your fucking real name buddy?
People like you are going to find out very soon there's no hiding on the internet anymore faggot.
Fake fucks keep playing you are going to find the fuck out.'
All this muh oss is spam but fucking world events coups holy fucking shit not notabled and anons harassed imagine that.
He's not going to stop jim fucking can his fucking ass.
You know better like you knew before jim put a lid on it.