Anonymous ID: 16f0a4 Jan. 24, 2022, 10:03 p.m. No.15455196   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MONDAY, JAN 24, 2022 - 11:30 PM

The US Bombed A Vital Dam In Syria, Lied About It, & Called Anyone Who Reported The Truth "Crazy"


Many years too late, it appears The New York Times has suddenly discovered that the United States has been committing war crimes in Syria, coming long after it was clear Washington was pursuing regime change in Damascus. With Assad still in control of most of the country, US efforts have turned to far-reach sanctions of late, which have greatly increased the sufferings of common Syrians. Like with Bush's disastrous invasion of Iraq before, the Times was the foremost cheerleader for that war, laundering Pentagon and admin propaganda, and only many years later admitting the truth that it was all based on lies… so now it seems to be going with Syria.


In its latest reporting, the NY Times has "uncovered" that an elite US military unit intentionally targeted and destroyed a large dam which was vital to the daily life and survival of tens of thousands of people near a vital Euphrates River reservoir. When the 2017 bombing of the Tabqa Dam (or al-Thawra Dam as it's also called) was first reported, a top American general labeled those accusing the US of being behind it as "crazy". Like much mainstream media reporting on Syria, those who had it right in real time - many from independent and alternative media - were dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" and loons, but now this…


The fresh NY Times reporting begins, "Near the height of the war against the Islamic State in Syria, a sudden riot of explosions rocked the country’s largest dam, a towering, 18-story structure on the Euphrates River that held back a 25-mile-long reservoir above a valley where hundreds of thousands of people lived."


The US had quickly dismissed those accusing the US of being behind the attack. And since Russia was among them, it was easy for the Pentagon to bat it down as but the "propaganda" of America's enemies in the region…


The Islamic State, the Syrian government and Russia blamed the United States, but the dam was on the U.S. military’s "no-strike list" of protected civilian sites and the commander of the U.S. offensive at the time, then-Lt. Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, said allegations of U.S. involvement were based on “crazy reporting.”


“The Tabqa Dam is not a coalition target,” he declared emphatically two days after the blasts.


Multiple Syrians had been killed and wounded in the attack, including dam workers and engineers who had rushed to the scene to save it.


Apparently there was proof that the US did it right way, yet it seems this fact remained buried (or perhaps suppressed) in Western media reporting for years, given that as NYT details, "After the strikes, dam workers stumbled on an ominous piece of good fortune: Five floors deep in the dam’s control tower, an American BLU-109 bunker-buster lay on its side, scorched but intact — a dud. If it had exploded, experts say, the whole dam might have failed."


As the Times now reveals, it was an elite Pentagon unit behind the attack on vital civilian infrastracture, responsible for other mass atrocities in Syria:


In fact, members of a top secret U.S. Special Operations unit called Task Force 9 had struck the dam using some of the largest conventional bombs in the U.S. arsenal, including at least one BLU-109 bunker-buster bomb designed to destroy thick concrete structures, according to two former senior officials. And they had done it despite a military report warning not to bomb the dam, because the damage could cause a flood that might kill tens of thousands of civilians.


Here's an example of widespread allegations at the time, in 2017, blasted as "crazy" by the Pentagon…


Both the Syrian government and its ally Russia had long charged that both the Pentagon and CIA waged a years-long war to destabilize and overthrow the Syrian state, which took overt and covert forms.


Eventually the US would focus its rhetoric on its "counter-ISIS" mission, which Damascus said was a ruse in order to justify continued occupation of the country, with the ultimate goal all along being the weakening of the Syrian state and its allies Iran and Hezbollah.


Oftentimes the pattern was that if West-backed forces in Syria perceived that if crucial infrastructure like a bridge or factory might come back into Syrian Army hands, those sites would be destroyed to prevent their subsequent utilization by the Syrian state.

Anonymous ID: 16f0a4 Jan. 24, 2022, 10:25 p.m. No.15455284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5295 >>5297 >>5307 >>5364 >>5409

25 Jan, 2022 04:48


Gay Catholics come out, demand the Church accept them


A group of LGBTQ Catholics demand Vatican revises its strict church doctrine to accommodate them.


More than 120 LGBT priests, teachers and Church volunteers in Germany have launched an initiative - ‘OutInChurch’ - and demanded that Catholic higher-ups toss away their long-standing disdain for homosexual relationships and grant them greater freedoms within the Church.


The group said they want “to be able to live and work openly as LGBTIQ+ persons in the church without fear,” including to serve in all Church occupations, even while in same-sex marriages or partnerships. They also urged the Church to revise “outdated statements” on gender and sexuality, oppose “all forms of discrimination,” and allow LGBTQ persons to receive holy sacraments. The Church should rectify a wrong by admitting its “institutional history of guilt” toward gay people, the group said in its list of demands published online.


The Roman Catholic Church under Pope Francis has softened its stance on the issue of sexuality. Francis has made headlines by reaching out to priests and nuns who ministered to the LGBTQ community, declaring in 2020 that “homosexual people have a right to be in a family.”


However, the Pontiff clarified that same-sex partnerships should be a civil matter, and that the sacrament of marriage should remain that between a man and a woman. In 2018, he called on gay priests to leave the Church, saying that “It’s better for them to leave the ministry or the consecrated life rather than to live a double life.”


Moreover, despite rebellious priests in Germany and the US bucking the Vatican’s orders and blessing same-sex unions, the Church’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the highest source of edicts on Catholic doctrine - declared last year that it is “impossible” for God to “bless sin,” referring to the unions of persons of the same sex.


Francis sided with the congregation’s ruling, stating that it was "not intended to be a form of unjust discrimination, but rather a reminder of the truth of the liturgical rite" of heterosexual marriage.

Anonymous ID: 16f0a4 Jan. 24, 2022, 10:32 p.m. No.15455333   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Anon Monkey Theory


We shall call it:

CodeMonkeyZ Snowball Effect kek


All loose monkeys accounted for following Pennsylvania highway crash


Authorities had been instructed to secure the area for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pelachick said.


The shipment of monkeys was en route to a CDC-approved quarantine facility after arriving Friday morning at New York’s Kennedy Airport from Mauritius, the agency said.


The truck had been on its way to a lab, Pelachick told The Daily Item newspaper of Sunbury.


The location of the lab and the type of research for which the monkeys were destined weren’t clear.


Asked if the missing monkeys had any health issues, the trooper said it wasn't clear.


Monkeys have been known to transmit diseases, including monkeypox, and the herpes B virus, which was reported to have killed its first human in China last year.


“We’re asking everyone to stay to stay away from the monkeys,” Pelachick said. “If they see one, call 911 immediately and get away from the monkey.”


The multi-vehicle crash closed Route 54 near Interstate 80 for about three hours, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.


One person involved in the pickup that was hit was taken to the hospital with a minor injury, the crash report said.

Anonymous ID: 16f0a4 Jan. 24, 2022, 10:55 p.m. No.15455460   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>anon is excited for another venue to spread truth or amazing idea exchange.


I've been using GAB for months with 300 Followers. I get very few interactions, mostly on a comment and it's usually the poster. If someone posts on all of their Groups, every single duplicate post shows up on my Timeline. I see the same ads over and over. I constantly see the same reposts. It's a damn echo chamber chamber chamber chamber. I hope TRUTH Social has something exciting to offer. I'll be there regardless, tho.

Anonymous ID: 16f0a4 Jan. 24, 2022, 11:14 p.m. No.15455579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5593 >>5651

"If you would have told me over a decade ago, when I bought this oval domed frame at a thrift store for a dollar, that the first thing I would put in it was a scantily-clad frog, I would have had a lot of words for you. They would have all been wrong."

Anonymous ID: 16f0a4 Jan. 24, 2022, 11:46 p.m. No.15455727   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Would be terrible if the most qualified applicants start getting accepted without regard to race or ethnicity.


It's nothing personal, pal. Ya stoopid son of a bitch.


Maybe it's about character. IDK … kek