mark twain popularized the quote, but twain attributed it to benjamin disraeli.
compliance my ass. call it what it is, complicity. like the judge told me, ignorance is no excuse.
GTFOH with that woke victim bullshit. ask any judgeโฆ IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE. they didn't "comply," they were COMPLICIT.
first, you are pronounced dead when your EEG shows no BRAIN activity. thousands of people are revived EVERY DAY after their heart stops. not dead. some have no heart beat for HOURS.
but the heart of fetus beats LONG before it even has a brain. a fetus also has gills at one point. does that make it a fish? later, it has a tail. does that make it a dog? or a demon?
'zat answer your dumbass fucking question, KAREN?
tards who hang guitars on the wall as decorations need to be killed.
on this particular spec of dust, life started 4 billion yrs ago, and has been going like gangbusters ever since. or did you think the egg and the sperm were both dead?
God does not share your sanctimonious concern for fertilized eggs. fertilization occurs EVERY time a couple has sex. EVERY TIME. more than 90% of the time, the female's body flushes the fertilized egg out along with the menstrual blood. only during the 3 days of the month (10% of the time) that the uterine wall is receptive to the fertilized egg, does a pregnancy begin. then, not all pregnancies reach full term. we don't actually know how many end in spontaneous abortions, many before the female even has a clue that she might be pregnant. so CLEARLY, God does not care about fertilized eggs. but since you're obviously a bibletard, riddle me thisโฆ which is a Christian holiday, the BIRTH of Jesus, or the date of conception? a COMMON SENSE definition of "when does a HUMAN BEING's existence begin" would be when it is able to survive on it's own outside the womb, or roughly 26 weeks. so unless God sent you a registered letter informing you of the date that a soul begins to inhabit a fetus, you don't know any more that the rest of us, and your OPINION is not more valid than anyone else's.
"the greatest inequality is making unequal things equal." โ aristotle
GTFOH with your fascist laws restricting the RIGHTS of parents to make informed medical decisions for their children.
>Will pray for you.
no you won't, except to pray for evil to befall me. the stench of your hypocrisy travels across cyberspace.
God gave you a brain SO YOU COULD USE IT TO REASON, not to mindlessly follow ancient dogma written by MEN.
parents have the right to make medical decisions for infants. PERIOD. circumcision is done for medical reasons, namely improved hygiene and lower risk of infections and STDs. read a fucking book, asshole. if you were born with a hare lip, would you want your parents to tell the drs to fix it then, or wait until you're 18 and able to make the decision for yourself? you're both a couple of faggots. get a room. and stop spamming the bread with the same BULLSHIT over and over.
>Chopping up babies
yes that sounds SO dramatic, KAREN, but it actually has nothing to do with first or second term abortions. read a fucking book about human biology, assbreath. you're eager to latch onto a bit of science (like DNA) if you can twist it and pervert it to support your dogma based preconceptions. but you ignore the rest of what is known about the reproductive process when it doesn't fit your dogma. and in the FIRST place, i NEVER said i was in favor of abortion, FUCKWIT. what i said was i am opposed to ANY one-size-fits-all zero-tolerance gov't imposed mandate on the subject. and i am a practical person. if you ban all abortions, it will NOT stop them, they will simply go underground and then MORE people will die, not just the fetus but also the mother. better to make a COMMON SENSE compromise that will allow people to make their own decisions, while still protecting the unborn that have a chance at survival. if you had ANY understanding of what you are talking about, you would have greater respect for your own IGNORANCE. none of us can say when a human life begins. but i am willing to say it does NOT begin at fertilization, nor does it begin with a heartbeat. muscle contractions begin around 3 weeks, when it's the size of a lima bean. it's not even CALLED a fetus until the 9th or 10th week. and it does NOT have a heart that you would recognize, nor does it have a brain, and brain activity is the LEGAL and pretty much COMMON SENSE definition of life of a human being. i will pray for YOU, you pious, pompous, sanctimonious, condescending, arrogant, self-righteous HYPOCRITE, because i'm pretty sure there is a special corner of hell reserved for people like you.
holy fuck, gary. are you really enjoying your little exchage with the shill? 'zat a productive use of your time? get some sleep, my fren.