>>15456111 article headline.
"Portland police provide no evidence for claim milkshakes thrown at far-right groups contained quick-drying cement"
the article is saying that image is of vegan cement free milkshakes.
i thought i recalled a video of them pouring these and it was obvious it was cement, had the off color and the empty bags of quickdry cement on the ground.
i guess it is memory holed. if these articles leaving doubt are all that exists then itll just remain a rumor.
ill just focus on their other violent acts then, there are plenty of those.
i was trying to compare this past event to the smoothie guy for meryl lynch who got arrested and fired for saying the word immigrant as he threw a smoothie on a store employee
trying to point out how he got more repercussions than antifa did.
but without better proof that antifa actually did that then i cant convincingly make this comparison i guess.