X-ecutions coming?
A Shocking Proposal to make "pedovore executions not only "pay for themselves many times over" but offer an 'edifying educational spectacle to the general public' by "Anon Entertainment Group" should be resoundingly rejected.
X-ecutions, also known as "extreme solo, freestyle capital punishment". is a competition for PPV numbers by states and service branches carrying out death sentences.
Condemned pedovores may choose to consent to an "enhanced telecution' for marketing purposes.
In this scenario the condemned agrees to participate in an "enhanced execution, in exchange for post mortem cash payments to pedos victims.
Pedovores surrender all rights over 'means of execution;' agreeing to participate in duels, lotteries and or abusive kayfabe in staged executions for audience promotion and ad sale marketing purposes.
Condemned pedovores understand and accepts his/her execution may be involve novel or distasteful means of execution such as cannoning, turbine-defenestration, 'pillow in the turbine' 'inhuman hand grenade' 'the colon bomb'