He isn't wrong…
Remember, the original virus they tried to deploy was supposed to be highly lethal.
Making people rush to line up for the suicide shot.
Military intercepted, prompting [them] to run with the propaganda campaign until a "fix" could be formulated.
It's no coincidence we're hearing about all these deadly disease stories in the news, they are still trying.
So… how's Taiwan doing?
Marines are probably bored AF there right now.
Hurry up and wait.
The pope released his peace doves on 1/26/2014.
It was for peace in Ukraine.
"Kiev Ukraine" = 126 (English Ordinal)
"wormwood" = 126 (English Ordinal)
From Pope's doves to 1/26/2022 is 8 years or 2922 days,,,
"Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio" = 2922 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"the complete collapse of the united states of america" = 2922 (English Sumerian)
Cleopatra's needle date on base 2/22/1881
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"Russian Ukrainian War" = 1881 (Jewish)