What do the uncolonized indigenous of the world have in common with in utero humans? Pre-teen humans?
They (our human family) are a food and drug source to what would correctly be called vampires, fiends, and cannibals- of the highest, purest order.
Where to so many global (((charities))) exist? The so called 'undeveloped' world. Where do so many foreign adoptions source from? Same place.
Currently the last of South America/Amazonia is being colonized, thus the 'undocumented' human phenomena. And much more of the african continent by the CCP. Those nationless peoples of the world, left mostly alone until now, are being pushed out and separated from their children.
Thus thesupple chain seizurecan be viewed at a grander scale so as to include the vampire food chain. When all lands are colonized, when the Red Cross is hamstrung, exposed, and no more, when Roe V Wade is overturned and Planned Parenthood ceases to exist, when there are no more baby farms (see Oprah & John of God, Epstein, etc)…
They will be FULLY exposed, as their hunger is insatiable. The bite that has no cure.
Medea- 'greek' sorceress/sorcery.
Media = Medea or medium (also directly associated to sorcery)
What else are vampires historically known for?
GLAMOR(ING)- mezmerizing, hypnotizing, entrancing, programming, incepting, enchanting, casting, binding, etc…
Same as Media.