Glad to see 1 not stupid Anon hear, Drat just wants pension soon, until time, don't forget to REFARSH early oftener
I hate Ossie to, only agree him 1 time, you webm are cringe, you tarded
One person shitshow, other person Picasso, be philosophy about it, much happy times this way
This proofs not all Jew loving each other, this one prob Ethiopian nigger one, always hate them anyways
Ossie cut Drat slacks, just 6 mon til pensions, we truce now rest of night
Anons!, you seem nicely, y u in this dump?, go on tender and make babies
BO say in meeting, maybe call OSS Man Bad Researching, help ratings sag, Drat say bad ideas, told stfu old man, we see last laugh
Sure make easy Drat job, want umbrella dranks, not shit this
Proof Jews hate, Jew more populars them, not easy always 66, make meme that wise guy
Dig call, makes crickets, newfags cutie pie, is keeper, no spam or Ossie love, Drat leave you alone
Solid Handy's u 2, Union card check pass, no Anon loosers sneak by Drat, have shift good
Just seen't grammycats break room, it's be here soon, shots warning heads up notice
Oy vey, grammycats busy night, hurry here get, lazy feline
Post notes bakerers, scrubbing not take this long, see what Drat work with?, Lazy fucks
Q sound lot like Ossie, Drat knows rent, 3 slum house in Harlem
Speaked at grandson bar mitzvah, nice guy, funny jokes