>>15464558 pb
"FREE" ?
At they very least harvesting your DNA
At worse, they are spiking it with parasites or nanoparticles.
>>15464567 pb
What's ACAB?
Definitely Leftist.
Not sure enemy automatically, though?
Maybe they are anti lock down
anti Central Bank
Potential ally?
>>15464651 pb
It's true. At least reported by Jim Stone they are barred from MRI's
so it's claimed
One doc claimed Body rids itself of the graphene after 3 months. And that why the regular routine of Boosters is to compensate for that (by the Mad Doctors).
Yesh, but it's happening.
They can see it.
"Slow motion"
Takes a while to "come down" with what's coming; But once it comes will be a long time to move back to stability? to recover?
If and when TrumpDJT comes back, he will help it along.
>>15464672 pb
Who will POTUS endorse to run against Schumer?
NYC Rethuglicans already think they've picked their guy
And most "anti lethal Injections' people are Dems who meet at the Republican Club.
Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate
Newsmax TV Host -
Joe Pinion
anon keep an open mind until moar is known, but he could be a sleeper?
Joe [O] pinion