In a biblical sense, he would be called a deliverer, raised by God to do a job that is seemingly impossible. He has the same characteristics we see of these historical figures; courage, positivity, openness, willful, fearless, open to all willing to engage in truly helping; But the smarts to always make sure He is on track with the big plan and has God's backing.
Misunderstanding by the layperson. However the GO can be used as described below for both Good or Evil purposes. Question is, which purpose do you think the government deep state is supporting.
Electrospun composites likewise have great potential for biomedical applications because they are generally biocompatible and bioresorbable, possess low immune rejection risk, and can mimic the structure of the extracellular matrix. In the current review, GO-containing electrospun composites for tissue engineering applications are described in detail. In addition, electrospun GO-containing materials for their use in drug and gene delivery, wound healing, and biomaterials/medical devices have been examined. Good biocompatibility and anionic-exchange properties of GO make it an ideal candidate for drug and gene delivery systems.
Started Life as a disc jockey talk show style, using controversial topics and language to gain a following. Has become a business person and owner of Sirius Satellite/XM radio. Continues to do his stupid act to keep the money flowing. Is a closet traditionalist with a openly liberal public persona.
Would be interesting to get proof none of the hollyweird or celebs or royals or any other elite ever got the real vax. They just get saline and then preach pro-vax. Just like Ivanka and Kush.
Time to ask the lurking Autists
Can we get the list of congress critters that have ivermectin prescriptions. Because they are excluded from any mandates. The Vax EUA is only legal if no other treatments exist.