Anonymous ID: 10df0e June 15, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.1760678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2110 >>0004 >>2822 >>2882 >>0750

I suppose this is a reminder that Late Night QResearch does not recognize time…


When I meditated today, after I met and talked with the other anons, I was taken into a deeper state.


In this state, I saw the numbers 3, 6, and 9, one after another and they arranged themselves in a row. I flew through them as they shrank and spun into an infinitely small point.


I was taken to the top of a great mountain and the entire landscape was covered in snow. I couldn't feel the cold, but I immediately began climbing down the mountain with ease. Hidden in the side of the mountain, I saw an opening and I went into it.


Inside, was like a cavern that also worked like a hall of stone and ice. At the end of this 'hall' was a gigantic gate made of stone. There were symbols all along the edges of the gate, though I can't remember the symbols were.


Then, I was told that the gate to Shambala was in Antartica.


I asked what Shambala was, and I was told that it is the realm where thoughts actually manifest into existence; an aspect of God that allows Creation to create with their thoughts. The Gate allowed direct access to it, even if the person was not capable of spiritually reaching it otherwise. Its original purpose was to be used as a gate to travel, since great distances could crossed through the gate.


I was told that the cabal wants access to it because it would allow them to recreate reality in full, by their own thoughts: something that they are not actually capable of on their own otherwise (though the rest of humanity largely is), which is why they resort to their evil rituals. This is also why they depend on brainwashing the population, because they use our collective consciousness since they cannot do so themselves.


I was told that there hearts are full of evil, however, as is their thoughts. They would bring Hell on earth if they got past or opened the Gate.