Anonymous ID: 3d063b May 26, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.1553923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3957 >>9042 >>5267 >>7314

I've been an 1111 for years. But since 2015 and kek and 4chan pol coincidences and synchronicities are off the hook. I know I've become part of anons as a group.

You know how you can scroll through the board and automatically see the shills, bleep by stuff that you know somehow means nothing, and stop scrolling right on the important things?

You know you are away from anons doing regular life stuff and you think oh wow, I just thought of a connection and I better get back to the board after I get home and post it, and you get home and you get on and DANG IF EVERYONE ISN"T ALREADY TALKING ABOUT IT.