Anonymous ID: 4efc9f June 18, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.1803620   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Been lurking for the past 5-6 months and trying to figure all this stuff out. This is my first post. I hope at some point I can help out here as I too see the evil that has infested our world. It must be stopped. Been a lot of info to absorb being here. Got a friend that has been looking through the catalog and is beginning to see the state of politics and business for what it is, a stinking mess.


Synchronicity is an interesting subject and something I studied many years ago. It seems like more and more I'm seeing double numbers on clocks - post counts - articles I read on the web, etc. Especially prominent lately has been the number 33, or 3:33, or 12:34, and just a couple hours ago I looked up at my computer time which displays hr:mi:se format and it read 12:34:56. I don't believe in coincidences.


A month or so ago I was listening to a radio talk show called 'Ground Zero' - the host Clyde Lewis often talks about such synchronicity and on one evening he talked about the recurring number he was seeing so much of of late, 23. I didn't think a lot about that until I woke up at 1:23 in the morning, and woke up again at 5:23! After having listened to that talk show just hours earlier. I don't believe in coincidences.


You annons are quite amazing. As is our president, and the job Q is doing is simply amazing.


Thats all I have to say for the time being. I'll creep back into the shadows and lurk for a while longer but I'm 'getting it' - how this place works. And it is wonderful to see so many patriots working in unison for a better world. Kudos to each of you, and Q, of course. In my mind I see tens of thousands, (hundreds of thousands?) of annons scouring the internet for for the links that bring needed information to a single point.


We will win this war!