Anonymous ID: b592d3 June 15, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.1757314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1776 >>2006



A lot of times I wake up in the middle of the night with one thought repeating over and over. I know it's really important whatever is being said. One night I woke up with this thought. We (mankind) created all this darkness and it is now time to undo what was created. It is time for a new reality. Then I saw myself with a doll and the doll was Satan. I put him on a shelf because I didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. I realized I'm the one who gives him power. I'm the one who makes him move just as a child plays with a doll. I literally make the doll walk and talk and everything else. Not long after that Q. Posted Is Satan real? Is the thought of Satan real? That was a big synchronicity for me. Not that i 100% understand this but too much has been said to this fact. I always believed he was real. It had never come into my mind that he might not be. This also goes right along with what you are saying here, how we create our reality.


I think one big thing to hinders people waking up is the fear of being deceived. People are deathly afraid of being wrong. I used to fear being wrong and I really don't know why. It's a huge handicap. It keeps you from going from point A to point B. Anyway Im hoping on this board we can really start piecing some of this stuff together. I am 1 puzzle piece on the table of many. I am so ready to see the whole picture!

Anonymous ID: b592d3 June 16, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.1771432   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you would have to know my relationship with the Father and Jesus to know I would never NOT believe in them. I know them and have been learning one on one for over 30 years. I've been in their presence, been totally overwhelmed by their love. I will always believe in them. But I think there is something to this about the thought of Satan vs reality of Satan. I am missing something here. That's why I'm hoping on this thread, if we can share what we know, the picture can be clearly seen.


I have learned through the years, when He is teaching me something new, there will be confirmation or synchronicities. I trust Jesus to always have my back even if I go off some weird rabbit hole and it's not the truth, he will bring me back to where I need to be.


My dad had this dream a long time ago and it shows how important combining what we know so we can get the whole picture.


He was in grocery store. His isle was the canned vegetable isle. When he would leave his isle, He was in total darkness couldn't see his hand. He couldn't see anything. He was content to stay on his isle where he knew about every canned vegetable.


The Father then asked him to prepare a 7 course meal. He, not thinking, says ok. He realizes he can only prepare what he has on his isle. He couldn't pull the right ingredients from other isles because it was in total darkness. He didn't know if he was grabbing sour cream or yogurt, white bread or wheat bread etc.


He tells the Father, I can't do it. I can't get the other ingredients right. The Father says well don't you think you need to ask the people on the other isles. They have what you need to make the meal. He did and he got the right stuff and prepared a meal.


This is how important it is to combine what we have learned. I know what's on my isle. But I don't know what's on other peoples isle. I know which food is cheap and not worth eating vs the really good stuff on my isle. But I can't say that about someone else's isle. Only they know that.


This is why we need each other so we can eat the 7 course meal. we also have to realize what we have is not the full picture. If I think that, then I'm going to reject what others have. I do know that Father will confirm things or tell you no that's not right but we have to ask that. I usually get at least 2 confirmations when it's the truth sometimes a lot more when it's something really out there. Which I've had a lot of really out there shit in the last 2 years. I get no confirmations when it's not.


My dad knew about the cabal/illuminati way back in the early 80's. We were not raised in church because he knew what was going on. I was taught to go directly to God himself if I wanted know him and that he wanted a relationship with me and he would answer me and that I wouldn't find this in religion. Oh how right he was…


I need what you other crazyanons have! Love my anon famalam!