Anonymous ID: ba11c9 June 16, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.1779875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9883



While I was meditating, a flashing spark that opened up into a tunnel of multicolor light, arranged in a very angular shape like looking through a hexagonal tube. I passed through it and found myself sitting down next to an old Native American woman; both of us were inside of a tent(?). Strange enough, I wasn'tin my 'astral' clothing. I was in my regular clothing.


Both of us were watching as men marched away from the village and towards the horizon. Some of them were her sons and they were going off to fight a war with another part of the tribe. A intratribe conflict. What is doubly strange is that I remember this exact moment.


When my friend was over one time, he mentioned that the medium said that he would get signs of a past life through his daydreams. At that moment, I saw that woman in that tent watching the men leave. I wasn't there when I saw it, though and it only lasted a split second.


The old woman was me in a past life; this much I knew for sure and she recognized me as well. She knew I was there, Red, and recognized that we were the same person but in different incarnations. We talked. She said that her name was Chipinaw and that she was the late Chief's daughter.


I asked her what I had learned in this life and she said: "How to carry the weight of anticipation when you know something terrible is going to happen." She told me that she knew that her sons were not coming back. She also knew that she was going to die before the news of their deaths arrived, so she would not be physically present to comfort what remained of her family after the fact.


I talked to her about my own fears of the future and she held and consoled me, then gave me some advice. I was afraid because I didn't think I was the right one for any of this, I don't know if I'd be ready when it was time, how to even get ready in the first place and what was really happening. She said that I shouldn't worry because it's all going to come to me and that I already know it; it'll be like remembering.


I had also seen this same old woman during one of my first meditations when I was intent on finding on who I originally was: my very first manifestation/incarnation, I suppose. My spiritual birth?


Well, I found myself walking through a great hall and on the walls, there were pictures of various people doing things. Like seamless movie screens. I instinctively knew that those were all of my lives, but that didn't matter because I wanted the original. Her face was on one of those movies.


Here is where it gets weird, if it already hasn't.

Anonymous ID: ba11c9 June 16, 2018, 8:15 p.m. No.1779883   🗄️.is 🔗kun


=Chipinaw may actually be a Native American name.=

That's not even the craziest part. I had a hell of a time finding out if it was, which makes sense. There were a lot of Native American tribes spread out that had very different languages and there was very little record keeping of their language. Even if it was a possible name, the meaning of the name could be lost forever and then, it'd just be a word.


My first ray of hope was when I found this reference from Urban Dictionary. (Pic Related)

But it's not actually in Urban dictionary. If you search for it in Urban Dictionary, you come up with nothing. (Pic related)


So, that got me thinking: Maybe it is an actual name. Why would someone, in 2009, write that exact word and suggest a definition for it? Problem is, it's just a suggestion and with more downvotes than upvotes at that.


Well, I found something else. (Pic related)


Chipinaw summer camp. Nothing really by itself, but it did give me a bit hope. Summer camps are often named after Native Americans words, tribes, people, etc. So, there was a chance that Chipinaw was a legitimate Native American word. I couldn't find any real history on the page, though: (


So, I called them. Granted, it is Saturday, so people were out and there weren't many manning the station. I think I got a volunteer intern or something. But she did tell me that Chipinaw is a Native American name, but she couldn't remember what it meant and that, the founder of the camp was actually Native American, too.


Now, this camp is based in New York apparently, just so you know the geographic relation to myself.


Something else interesting about this camp?


The Color War and the Camp Alma Mater. (


=The Color War=

"Every year at Camp Chipinaw during the seventh week, (3rd and 7th at Chipinaw @ Silver Lake), there is the traditional "Color War". Two teams, Red and Gray, compete in many activities for points and the win. During Color War campers and counselors cannot talk during meals, must have a letter every night, and the line-up for each meal is a "running line-up". This involves the two teams racing from the bottom of the hill to the top where they stand to be inspected. Teams get points or lose points depending on these things. Other activies include sports such as soccer, baseball, football, tennis, hockey, swimming, and boating. Every year campers anticipate the start of Color War. No one except the directors know exactly how it will "break out". There are traditional fake-outs where the campers are led to believe Color has started, and they are told to go get their team assignments. There they find nothing but a sign saying FAKEOUT. Eventually they get the real thing. What happens is that the entire camp is gathered for a fictious reason. They then are surprised by a large sign, a scream of "This Is Color War!", "Go to the Gym!" At the gym or anywhere else they find many trinkets, red and grey ones. Campers and counselors find their name on these and it gives them a leadership rank, or nothing. One year the trinket was a whistle, one year there was a small towel. Some breakouts include ice cream sandwich wrappers that say COLOR WAR. One rumored planned breakout was a helicopter dropping papers saying COLOR WAR. One of the biggest events is Sing. Sing is an event where each team sings three or four songs or cheers. They are: Cheer, Allamata, Team Song-Make Fun of Others, and an Introduction. This activity is heavily weighted."


What does that sounds like to you, anons?


Camp Alma Mater

Every Camp Has a Legend,

Passed on From Year to Year,

To Wish We Pledge Allegiance,

And Cherish All That’s Dear,

But Of All the Other Camps,

The One That Stands The Test,

Is the Loyal Red and Gray Camp,

The Symbol Of The Best,

>Camp Chipinaw,

>Sing Out Our Praise,

>Camp Chipinaw,

>Sing of Happy Days,

>Our Camp Forever,

>>>>Mother of Men,

>>>>Fight for Her Honor,

>Fight and Victory Again…


I don't believe in coincidences, anons.

Who are we?

Who are we really?