Slimeball Comey talking about liars…
Slimeball Comey talking about liars…
That's a lot of lies!
And I stopped because I didn't want to make it too big! I could have added on for a week!
reverse image search brings up…
Trump’s Tweet Got Saudi Arabia to Drop the Price of Oil
"Saudi Arabia stopped supporting higher oil prices after Donald Trump said higher prices “will not be accepted.”
The world’s largest oil exporter was said to have planned to move oil prices up to $100 a barrel but now appears to have decided that prices should not move higher than $80 a barrel."
We need to kick Dem ass in the mid-terms!
Republicans have taken a six-point lead over Democrats
Obama brags: ‘I didn’t have scandals’ during my presidency
HRC spent $1,200,000,000 on her losing 2016 campaign.
Russian Company spent $100,000.
Clapper still lying about Russia turning the election toward Trump! lmao
I guess she should have spent $1,200,100,000!!!
Idiots! smh