Anon, you have the right to feel however you feel, this Q ride has been interesting and not for the faint of heart. Maybe you should take a couple days off and not watch the board, when Q disappears for a bit its more disheartening if you are checking the board every hour. Go do something outside, anything.
If Q posts, they posts will not change, nothing is going to be so earth shattering that you will not be able to catch up, and if you look at how may pieces are in this puzzle you may only miss 1/1000th of the habbenings. Its not like if you take some time you will be at Starbucks and the news will say Cabal Arrested, New World Order Thwarted etc……just clear you head. I think your just frustrated because you want justice to happen now and this project is not working that way. In a death by a thousand cuts it the executioner probably wishes he could just get it over with too. Anon, you can have the day off, go get a beer, or a coffee or see a movie or whatever you like to do.