We are on the same page anon. Well said.
(Unrelated), the only other thing I feel compelled to add is that, for me (and with close to thirty five, out of fifty, years on the front lines), I came to view sobriety not as an end in and of itself, but more a state of mind. For me, do I function well in society and/while making sure NOT to cause harm to others? If I can answer in the affirmative to both, all is well (though I'm typically broke). I would ask the casual observer if they felt my postings were written by someone 'under the influence.' If a tree falls in the woods…
That said, one must be honest with themself and be able to fairly, and accurately, gauge one's well being. 'To thine own self be true.'
Forget the proper spelling (on a bad computer), but, if interested, look up the difference between Mallum per se AND
Mallum prohibitum (sic?)
Those acts that are innately bad/evil (child abuse), and those only wrong when measured by society (driving 60mph on a 55mph street).
Throw your religious beliefs into the former category. I don't get too hung up living how another person defines as sober. Only by my own (honest) measure. Something about crazy being well adjusted in an insane world. Unfortunately I know too many sober people who would benefit from a medically supervised (or shaman assisted) 'high.' They are so judgmental and stressed out it's killing us. Godspeed.