That bee-itch is DEEEEP mk ultra!
They both deserve eachother (I mean congical rapings in GITMO)
Great digging anon! Keep it up.
That bee-itch is DEEEEP mk ultra!
They both deserve eachother (I mean congical rapings in GITMO)
Great digging anon! Keep it up.
haha I read this as 6th Nov.. Took a while for the penny to drop that this is in a week or two.
Free beer on 6/11/18 anon's (give BC17 benifit of any doubt).
No outside comms - they didn't use any intel from 8ch to make that determination.
I don't really know BC much.. Not USfag
At least there will be a reason to never trust their shit anymore (after 6/11)..
Remember that Assange has many friends, not just us anon's.
ahhahaha thanQ for the info anon. I didn't know that about BC17..
Had my hopes up for a while, I always like to give someone the benefit of the doubt if I can't feel if they are telling the truth or not.
I have seen em around, paid 0 fucks to them before they started to make this claim about JA..
Now they appear to be fake and gay, like AIM / corsi / AJ / beanz / pamphlet… blah blah blah