>everyone is OSS
>It's a meme now
It always was, anon. It always was:
Yeah, I know of OSS, been chasing him since'76. First came across him in Africa, he was running interference for a rival village.
Locals would post on their message board in the village. Pen and paper in those days, none of this digital stuff.
OSS would come in the night and add messages saying the women offering to do the laundry were shills, paid by the Tutsi.
I swear we had that board staked out day and night, the messages just appeared. How can he not be seen by night vision?
OSS is a ghost, a phantom, a name whispered by the wind. Something viewed in your peripheral vision. Turn to look, He has gone.
Another 10 years before we heard murmurs of him operating again, that's when we started the dedicated team to catch him.
It was the early internet years, found him in an IRC chatroom, spreading disinformation about how much could be fit on a floppy disk.
1.44mb, Right? Not according to OSS, he said 'they' were hiding space on the disk. It could actually fit a lot more on, maybe as much as 3mb.
The number of people I saw pulling that casing apart looking for that extra space, gullible fools. Poor suckers thought the floppy part would
go back into the drive. Man, I still shudder at the amount of data lost.
This is his game, confusion, chaos, saying black is white, and getting people to buy what he's selling.
In 2014 he popped up again in the Bungie game forum of all places. He was gaslighting gamers into thinking that 'Destiny' was a good game.
Broke my heart watching all those gamers, without any content, thinking they were enjoying it and having fun. Some of those poor saps are there
to this day, running around the Cosmodrome looking for spinmetal.
OSS is one twisted mother fucker for sure. No one knows where he learned his craft, some say pickle factory, some say military Intel.
Even heard a rumour he studied in Tibet with Shaolin monks. I have been chasing OSS for longer than I care to remember. He is a spectre, a ghost,
moves like smoke, and makes no sound. He is everyone, and he is no one. Like agent Smith in those matrix movies. You just think you have a handle
on him, then poof!, gone again. Almost had him around 2 years ago, been tracking a device I know he uses. I ping it and it leads me to coffee shop in
Argentina. When I finally got there, there was a Argentinian kid, shitposting on 4 Chan, using the phone I was tracking. Argentinian kid says to me,
in broken English "OSS tell me to say Shadilay nigger, you are fucking idiot". That stung me, he knew I was coming, set me right up.
An ex spook friend I know gave me a tip off that he had been seen here, running some sort of bakery?? I don't know what this place is, but if
OSS is here, then right here is where I need to be. I don't have long left to try and finally stop his madness and chaos you see. Retirement is on
the horizon, I want to leave the team knowing that OSS is behind bars, and the world a safer place.
I'm going to hang here with you guys in case he shows up, if that's ok?