One guy online is calling BiteMe 'resident' of the US…
Guess we could change BiteMe's title to ROTUS… add a Scooby Doo cartoon and we get, Rut, Ro, ROTUS!
One guy online is calling BiteMe 'resident' of the US…
Guess we could change BiteMe's title to ROTUS… add a Scooby Doo cartoon and we get, Rut, Ro, ROTUS!
Possible scenario - -
Inspired by Wisconsin's move to withdraw its electorial votes for Biden, other states start to follow suit.
Senate fillabusters any Breyer replacement until after the 2022 midterms give the House and Senate control back to the GOP.
Constitutional crisis drags on until the new House GOP majority gets to decide the 2020 election. (If enough states withdraw their electors and the total for BiteMe gets less than 270.)
If Biden is unselected as resident of the US, then his Supreme Court pick is moot, and whoever the House chooses as his replacement gets that Supreme Court pick as well, UNLESS Breyer is pressured to hang on and rescind his resignation for another election cycle.
It's a stretch, but it's possible.
Other scenario: if BiteMe is removed as 'resident,' then GOP impeaches the new justice as an invalid choice by an unlawful 'resident."
Probably less likely to succeed, as the vote in the Senate to impeach would be hard to get.