It is anti science and goes against everything immunologists know about vaccines, to vaccinate children against covid.
It is anti science and goes against everything immunologists know about vaccines, to vaccinate children against covid.
Filtered theseething OSS psychopath
Bullshit,there can be lots of good, productive 'dissent' without any of the commonly used SHILL words
False, 'in this context':Anons choosing to filter SHILL distractions and division narrative requires absolutely zero FURTHER distracting narrative on what does and what does not constitute 'hate speech'
fuck you
and fuck you
"When you separate people, it's easy to create power through separation" - Theo Fleury
Theo knows the satanic cult's code!
>It is a distraction to divide us by race or religion you stupid low IQ satanic cult fluffing piece of degenerate shit.
Fuck you.
The intellectual culture you're a part of is evil.
Division shill is seething
You're just trying to keep people divided so that evil can control them.
Says the demon fluffer soyboy.
All you're doing is defending Jew criminals by pretending justice is necessarily anti-Jew.
Your game is known division shill.
Trudeau the piece of shit: "This convoy is a 'small fringe' and doesn't represent Canada"
The truth is is that the convoy DOES represent Canadians, the silent forgotten majority!
Mossad != The Israeli PEOPLE
C_A != The American PEOPLE
MI6 != The British PEOPLE
The q project is exposing evil from a network of criminals, an evil that goes BEYOND any race, religion, sex, political affiliation, or class.
Shills trying to deflect and 'force' the narrative that justice against individuals must necessarily be motivated by group interest and group conflict based on race or religion.
The PEOPLE are united.
Hi shill who can't refute the message so invent 'personas' for anons to distract and deflect
Hey it's triggered division shill #6
BOTH you stupid division shill, you try to divide us by BOTH race AND religion, AND sex, AND class, AND political affiliation
All to DEFEND the criminals who gain when the people are divided.
You're a defender of evil you piece of shit.
Never forget, the 'msm' is evil incarnate.
They defend destruction and looting and call them 'mostly peaceful protests'
They attack peaceful protests and call them 'terrorists', 'extremists', 'far-[political affiliation]'.
Fake news is truly and without a doubt an evil enemy of the people