Jake Lang calls Joe Oltmann from the gulag
>35 min
From this afternoon
Jake Lang calls Joe Oltmann from the gulag
>35 min
From this afternoon
>know your place goyim
greetings fellow whites
>the urge to invade Canada subsides
for an independent 8kun experience, never let someone else tell you who to filter
this is how the mafia work when they decide they want your shit, you're stealing if you dont give it to them
mamon means cocksucker in spanish
oh shit they're doing it again
mom what I'm trying to say if if you dont put the word notable in your buns, baker might not find
it helps him search for noms
it was the other side's fault every single time
bakers dont read through the thread, they use the search function and type in "notable"
means you're either a jew or you don't know anything
why would I want to talk to a jew? not important if you filter me
hey, it's fake gary