Oath Keepers founder is ordered detained pending trial in Jan. 6 riot
Oath Keepers founder is ordered detained pending trial in Jan. 6 riot
Special Forces Will Simulate An Insurgency On U.S. Soil In Upcoming Unconventional Warfare Exercise
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With war over Ukraine possibly looming U.S. orders departure of U.S embassy personnel's families
Russian troops currently surround Ukraine
Up next - DOD whistleblowers on vaccine after this commercial. We shall see if this ties in with the DARPA drop on EcoHealth. If so, they are trying to put some major distance between themselves and this train wreck that is likely to go criminal.
300% increase in cancer
10X increase in neurological disease.
(couldn't catch the rest of it. fucker speaks too fast.)
miscarriages up 300%
300% increase in cancer.
10X neurological disorders.
DMED database. (need to dig on this).
Whistleblowers share DOD med data
I am getting an SSL error on the DMED lin
k so I am not fucking with it right now.
Whistleblowers share DOD med data
I am getting an SSL error on the DMED lin
k so I am not fucking with it right now.
I am hitting the flood detector so you have to go to the sauce.