That's like saying, "Not all MS 13 members are bad"…
The f*cking religion condones pedophilia and doing harm to others. It is not acceptable in ANY modern society, just as gangs like MS-13 are not compatible/acceptable to society.
Furthermore, nearly every child sex trade outfit that is uncovered, is run by Jews or financed by some wealthy Jews. From Hollywood, to NXIVM, to Epstein.
They push porn on your kids. Push garbage, degenerate, anti-Christian comedy, like Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman on the masses. They bring their 2000 year old, middle-eastern problems with them everywhere they go. Their banks enslave your families. Their judges give free-passes to perverts and child molesters. And more…
People are sick of Jews. 77% of American Jews voted for that child-sniffing, child-molesting, commie, sell-out, motherfucker, who stole the Oval Office. They are about to get their asses kicked out of the US, just like they have in well over 100 other nations, over the years.
European, non-jewish, white folk, need to start carving out their own space. We get along just fine, until Jews and niggers start fucking everything up. Every fucking time. Every time they have been integrated. All over the globe.
Enough is enough, is right… Enough of whites carrying these dead-weight, motherfuckers. Its time to, "Shrug The Atlas", and create our "Galt's Gulch", folk.