This will be a good part on the movie. An international population of all creeds, colors, from shilthole countries or born here. What happens when you piss off the people that just want to be alone. It's going to be biblical. Inspirational. God bless North America.
2 rigged elections in North America in under 1 year under ccp chink infiltration. China virus aka communism. 1 election to catch all the slimy swamp creatures worldwide. The whole world is watching. A very fucking peaceful country, tar & feather a corrupt government and make it so they cannot walk down the street. Dirty politicians at every level of government. Bureaucrats. This is the part where your lawyers should study the Nuremberg code. The media on canuckistan is not sleeping well this weekend either.
Truckers with eyes on the board. Restaurants need supplies. Anybody know someone with an empty trailer. KEK. Ottawa businesses. Either lose your shirt in compliance or lose it fighting. Grandchildren will read about this. The day all the poppies stand tall. Watch the fuck out.
Canadian forces,this woman is a national treasure. Get her ass on a chopper with the grandkids to the capital in a Swank hotel. God bless CANADA. Keep the don't side up & the rubber side down.
To talk about Water. Hint Navy. Give em a lift eh.
01.27.22 count the 17's with common core in that one.