It is time that bakers must be identified by name and photograph within the graphic at the top of each bread. Anons need to know just who exactly is moderating each and every bread.
QR is so important for Patriots sharing info and news. The bakers must be identified. It is vital.
Bakers must be identified by name and photo.
Some of them need a serious ass-kickinโ because they are screwing with Patriots that want the best for the world and the corruption to come to an end.
The board is imploding because the bakers are comped.
Camtoe is heading to Honduras to get some coke. She is such a dumb cunt.
Baker requests handoff.
Baker requests fresh noteable scrape.
Thatโs where Justin Castro just went to avoid the convoy!
Q said he was saving the jews for last. The world is waking up. Everyone is talking about the jews now. The little old ladies in the sewing circle are talking.
The common folk are talking about Jews in public now. Older folks and the normies alike. I love it. It is snowballing.