Is very very easy for AI to
seize control of the bake
Control the quality of threads with unlimited post-volume capability
Replace normal anon content with fake but superficially plausible bickering
Replace normal anon content with fake but superficially plausible stupidity
Replace normal anon content with fake but superficially plausible anxiety about Q and the mission
Replace normal anon content with fake but superficially plausible controversy
Replace normal anon content with fake but superficially plausible normie-frightening-away-content
Create unlimited distractions
Etc etc etc
It's really nearly impossible to keep a board like this from being a mess, with its significance in the current global political climate, and with the capabilities of AI.
But I suspect, based on numerous observations over months, that BO is fostering the chaos and maintaining our through plausible but fake gestures of effort, rather than making an effort.
Naturally, we would expect a black hat or AI to try to seize BOship, given, again, what this board means.