Anonymous ID: 5f6be9 May 26, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.1547564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7587 >>8042 >>8182

Pocahontas trying to get Natives to take her as one of them


Why not just a DNA test or show us the College records?


Benjamin said Warren was seeking advice on how to address her ancestry – stories she'd been told about the Native American heritage of her mother's side of the family while growing up in Oklahoma – when speaking with tribes.

"She did bring up that whole issue about that (Pocahontas) label, and my advice to her – and I used an example – is that in Indian country, we are very community-oriented," she said. "We are those types of people where we will embrace you as part of our community and then we will recognize you as our community from there on."

"If you are told from Day One that you are that tribal person and that tribal home, that's who you are. And that's the simplest way to explain that," Benjamin said.

"That's what I told her. If you respect Indian country, we respect you," she said. "Go out and do the job, and it'll be better for all of us."

Anonymous ID: 5f6be9 May 26, 2018, 7:01 a.m. No.1547605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7630 >>8042 >>8182


Here is the article and it needs to be


before it is scrubbed from the web

Anonymous ID: 5f6be9 May 26, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.1547630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8042 >>8182

>>1547605 Here is the full story for archiving. It is being scrubbed from the web.


Directories identified Warren as minority

Listing preceded tenure at Harvard


US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren - who said Friday she didn’t realize Harvard Law School had been promoting her as a Native American faculty member in the 1990s - was listed as a minority professor in American law school directories for nine years before she landed at Harvard, documents show.


The Association of American Law Schools desk book, a directory of law professors from participating schools, includes Warren among the minority law professors listed, beginning in 1986 and continuing through 1995. The years include time she spent teaching at the University of Texas and the University of Pennsylvania, before she joined the faculty at Harvard Law.


The listings were based on professors reporting that they were members of a minority group, the directory says.


Warren’s campaign did not dispute the listings on Sunday, but a spokeswoman reiterated that she did not use minority status to advantage when she was hired at Harvard University.


“The simple fact is that Elizabeth is proud of her heritage,’’ spokeswoman Alethea Harney said in a statement Sunday night.


Harney noted that Harvard Law professor Charles Fried, who played a key role in recruiting Warren to Harvard, told the Globe Friday that her background did not come up when he recommended her.


“The fact that she listed her heritage in some professional directories more than 15 years ago does not change those facts,’’ Harney said.


“It’s clear that Scott Brown is desperate to find anything to change the subject from his votes to protect Wall Street and big oil companies,’’ Harney said.


Warren’s unexpected minority status sparked controversy last week, when the Boston Herald reported that the school had named her a minority professor in the 1990s at a time when the campus was facing criticism about preponderance of white men on the faculty.


In a 1996 article, the Harvard Crimson quoted a Harvard Law School spokesman saying that the faculty of 71 included one Native American - Warren - in addition to a few black and Hispanic professors and 11 women.


The claim was repeated in a later Crimson story that called Warren the first woman with a minority background to receive tenure.


Warren, a Democrat who is challenging US Senator Scott Brown, does have Native American blood, her campaign said Friday.


But when asked about it Friday, she told reporters that she did not know Harvard was promoting her as a minority professor.


Brown’s campaign manager Jim Barnett said on Friday that Warren should apologize for letting Harvard claim she had “special minority status.’’


“That Warren allowed Harvard to hold her up as an example of their commitment to diversity in the hiring of historically disadvantaged communities is an insult to all Americans who have suffered real discrimination and mistreatment, and Warren should apologize for participating in this hypocritical sham,’’ Barnett said on Friday.


But Warren’s spokesman said on Friday that the candidate had no plans to apologize and Warren told reporters that she did not recall using her heritage to claim a minority status.


“I believe that I was recruited at Harvard because I’m a good teacher, and recruited for my other jobs because I do good work,’’ she said.


The Association of American Law Schools is a nonprofit education association that represents 10,000 faculty members and 176 law schools, according to its website.


The association’s directory is used as a “desk book’’ by deans and law professors, and information is provided by deans or by the faculty members themselves.


“Data in the directory is based entirely on the information supplied to us by law school deans and individual teachers on computer-generated questionnaires,’’ says the introduction to the 1986-87 book, portions of which were reviewed by the Globe.


Dean’s offices provided their lists of professors; those who had not previously provided a biographical sketch were asked to complete a new faculty questionnaire.


As for their minority status, the director states, it includes “those legal educators who stated they were members of a minority group.’’


Stephanie Ebbert can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @stephanieebbert.

Anonymous ID: 5f6be9 May 26, 2018, 7:14 a.m. No.1547686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7872 >>8182

SO SALTY Annalisa Merelli

Donald Trump is the empowering role model women have been waiting for


Sometimes, I feel life as a woman in the 21st century has gone from struggling against endless systemic obstacles to struggling to keep up with online articles about ways to surmount such obstacles.


Gone are the days when the recipe for a woman’s happiness was a simple matter of changing into the right body shape and getting rid of skin imperfections. Now the internet of female improvement says happiness is something that’s achieved by being confident, demanding, entrepreneurial, and daring while quietly combating body issues and blemishes and, after all that, somehow still embracing your flaws.


Empowerment is exhausting, and also very confusing.


A quick Google search for “How women” yields 3.8 billion results ranging from “how women entrepreneurs should prepare to sell a business” to “how women rise: break 12 habits holding you back” to “how women can promote—and develop—their personal brand.”


Who has the time for all that advice? What women need is a one-stop role model to show them the path to greater things.


And that role model is Donald Trump.


The US president’s rise from Twitter troll to most powerful person in the world was not an accident. It was the natural result of a life lived according to some of the most important principles of self-help and personal improvement. Here’s how it works:


Rule 1: Be the best

Trump is a visionary, when it comes to himself.


Are you a loud, inarticulate public figure? Don’t limit yourself to thinking you might be presidential. Think of yourself as the most presidential person in US history (after Lincoln). Did you win a national election despite losing the popular vote? Don’t hope you will have a good crowd at your inauguration. Know that you’ll have the biggest crowd, and when people show you photos of bigger crowds, stick to your convictions.


If people question your decisions, let them know you are a genius. Because those people aren’t the best.


You are the best.


Rule 2: Go low

Expectations are a dangerous, unfair thing. Women are expected to be agreeable and are called nasty when they disagree. Men are just opinionated.


Flip the script and follow Trump’s example: Use word salads and rambling tweets, and speaking in logical sentences will be enough for you to receive praise. If you never try to impress, people will call you articulate and presidential the one time you do. If you are consistently cold and aggressive, commentators will highlight your “soft spot for children” if you call them “beautiful” once or twice.


Remember: You don’t need to do anything well to be the best, you already are the best. (See Rule 1).


Rule 3: Blame others

Women often make the mistake of blaming themselves for mistakes even when they are not responsible. This is the opposite of what you should do.


Always. Blame. Someone. Else.


Lost the popular vote? Blame illegal voters. The government agenda is stalled even though your party controls Congress? Blame Democrats. Soldiers die unnecessarily on your watch? Blame their life choices.


Rule 4: Never apologize

You must have heard that women say “sorry” too much. That is why they are not winning—apologies don’t lead to victory.


Trump never gets caught apologizing for anything—he will only be caught winning. Trump won’t apologize for saying that you can grab women “by the pussy,” for insulting disabled people and sitting senators, or even for calling poor nations “shithole countries.”


Rule 5: Admit no mistake

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, right?




To win, it is of paramount importance to remind people, and yourself, of your infallibility. Did you fat-finger the word “covfefe” on Twitter? Double down and send out a minion saying “covfefe” is exactly what you meant. Did you jump the gun and order a commemorative coin made for a historic meeting that didn’t end up happening? Sell it anyway, say it was meant to celebrate peace, not just a meeting.


Rule 5: Take credit

Women can have a hard time celebrating their accomplishments, a limiting attitude that should be dropped instantly in favor of the president’s approach: Celebrate your accomplishments—and everyone else’s.


Job growth before Trump passed any laws? His success. A successful Korean Winter Olympics? All him. No commercial airplane crashed in 2017? Definitely the president.


It’s a simple approach, and should you ever question that it works, or be tempted to resume your female habits, ask yourself this: Who is the president, Donald Trump or a woman?

