Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:05 a.m. No.1547906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8066 >>8182

Kim, Moon meet to discuss rescuing summit with Trump


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held a surprise meeting Saturday with South Korean President Moon Jae-in to discuss salvaging the canceled June 12 summit between Mr. Kim and President Trump, Mr. Moon’s office said.


The two leaders met for two hours on the North Korean side of the “truce village” of Panmunjom inside the Demilitarized Zone between the two Koreas, said Mr. Moon’s spokesman, Yoon Young-chan.


They “had a frank exchange of views on the implementation of the April 27 summit agreement and for the successful holding of the North Korea-United States summit,” Mr. Yoon said.


Mr. Moon and Mr. Kim had held their own first-ever meeting in the DMZ on April 27.


The surprise meeting Saturday came roughly 12 hours after Mr. Trump tweeted Friday night that the U.S. was again having “very productive talks” with North Korean officials that could lead to a resumption of the June 12 summit in Singapore.


On Thursday, Mr. Trump had canceled the summit, citing “open hostility” from North Korea directed at the U.S. The suspended talks were to be aimed at persuading North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons and missile programs.


Harry Kazianis, director of Defense Studies at the Center for the National Interest in Washington, said the Kim-Moon meeting on Saturday raises “a very strong possibility a U.S.-North Korea summit could be back on very soon.”


“Moon is most likely acting as a bridge to both sides—and could very well save the summit,” Mr. Kazianis said.


But he said the central question for a U.S.-North Korea summit is still in doubt.


“Is North Korea willing to give up its nuclear weapons or not? If yes, then there will be a summit—and history could be made. If the answer is no, then President Trump will not meet Kim—and tensions could spike dramatically,” Mr. Kazianis said.

Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.1547915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8066 >>8182

White House sends advance team to Singapore to prepare for North Korea summit


The White House sent a team of officials to Singapore Saturday to prepare for the on-again, off-again summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.


White House press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the advance team for Singapore “will leave as scheduled in order to prepare should the summit take place.”


It was the latest sign that the June 12 denuclearization summit might take place after all. Mr. Trump canceled the meeting on Thursday, citing North Korea’s “open hostility” in its comments toward the U.S. in the past week.


But after Mr. Trump canceled the summit, North Korean officials immediately expressed regret and offered to meet with Mr. Trump “anytime.” The president said he was open to holding the meeting as planned.


Then on Saturday, Mr. Kim met unexpectedly with South Korean President Moon Jae-in to discuss salvaging the summit with Mr. Trump. Mr. Moon has been serving as a key broker of the U.S.-North Korea talks.



Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.1547920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7923 >>7927 >>7935 >>7937 >>8066 >>8182

Trump says summit with North Korea might be back on


President Trump said Friday night that the U.S. is having “very productive talks” with North Korea about reinstating the summit on denuclearization that Mr. Trump canceled a day earlier.


The president said the summit “if it does happen, will likely remain in Singapore on the same date, June 12th.”


He said “if necessary,” it will be extended beyond that date.


The president’s comments on Twitter came barely 24 hours after he wrote to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to cancel the disarmament talks, saying Pyongyang had been showing too much “hostility” toward the U.S.


In response to Mr. Trump backing out, North Korean officials said they were willing to meet the U.S. at any time.


The White House revealed Thursday that North Korea stood up an advance team from the U.S. in Singapore last week without explanation.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also said Thursday that North Korea had stopped communicating with U.S. officials about the planned June 12 summit.



Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.1547984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8019 >>8032 >>8140

Frank Luntz sees 'best' GOP tracking in a year; pollster says swing voters loathe Nancy Pelosi


Pollster Frank Luntz says the Republican Party’s tracking numbers for midterm elections are looking good, thanks to independent voters who recoil at the thought of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi becoming speaker.


The creator of “Instant Response” polling told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham Thursday evening that a bit of political finesse by the GOP over the next few months is poised to pay off in November. If Republicans can vote on a speaker prior to midterm elections, Mr. Luntz said, then swing voters are likely to side with them in the voting booth.


“Well, I’ve been tracking this on a weekly basis going back now for a year and a half and these are the best numbers that the GOP has had in the last year,” he said, Mediaite reported. “One of the reasons is that women, working women, women with children, have begun to leave the Democratic Party. It’s not that they are pro-Republican, but what they see among the Democrats is the same kind of negativity that turned them off in previous elections.”


Mr. Luntz told Ms. Ingraham a few decisions could narrow an intensity gap that currently exists between Republicans and Democrats.


“Quite frankly, if Republicans could find some way to engineer a vote over who would be speaker of the House in January 2019, if they could engineer that vote, I would be prepared to say right now that the Republicans would keep the majority because there are so many people out there — swing voters who do not want Pelosi as speaker, that one action would make a difference,” he said.


Mr. Luntz added that the California Democrat is “the least popular credible figure” among her peers.



Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.1548049   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He does, but he validates, Midterms are safe, so for the time being I'll take it. Nice to see him at least be honest about how thing look, the others would have us believe that the Dem's are going to sweep it up.

Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.1548118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8182

CNN Goes To Devin Nunes' District To Dig Up Dirt – Disappointed To Find Out His Constituents Love Him


CNN visited House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ district in California and found out that most of his constituents actually like him.


CNN opened the segment by noting that Nunes is “often accused of carrying water for President Trump” because of his work investigating potential FISA abuses and partisan corruption in the FBI.


However, when CNN reporter Kyung Lah got to his district, she discovered that most of the constituents she spoke to really appreciated the job he is doing in Congress.


“Here, all we can do is vote for someone hoping they can do something there,” Lillian Krider said, asserting that she thinks Nunes is the guy who can “do something.”


“For Devin Nunes, these registered Republicans are squarely in his corner,” Lah said in a voice-over as the camera panned over a group of elderly women eating in a diner. “Especially when he’s an attack dog for Trump.”


“I like that he does stick up for our president,” Krider added. “I mean, the president is our leader whether we agree with him or not.”


“I appreciate his honesty and his being open with the people,” another supporter explained.


When the report ended, anchor Jim Sciutto wondered if the Democrat challenging Nunes for reelection would be able to put up a close race.



Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.1548131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8157 >>8170 >>8182 >>8200

DNC Chair Tom Perez Comes Under Fire For Lack Of Hiring Diversity


Progressive activist Stephanie Strong Hill called out DNC Chairman Tom Perez to his face over the DNC not hiring enough black women at a left-wing event earlier this month.


t the Faith In Action, Action Day event, Hill commented, “It has been said that the African American woman vote is the most taken for granted within the party.”


“As you have taken leadership in the DNC, how are you addressing this issue?” Hill asked Perez. She added, “In particular, how are you listening to the voices of poor and working class women of color on the ground and using these community leaders as paid strategists for campaigns?”


Perez dodged the question, even admitting that when he first took over the DNC, “We had to do some soul-searching” and that the DNC “had taken people for granted, most notably, our most loyal constituency, African Americans.”


The DNC chair then went on to describe the DNC’s accomplishments, until Hill interrupted him.


“But how many women, black women, African American women have been employed as strategists?” Hill asked.


She then commented, “African American women are holding the Democratic party together,” adding that if their work goes unnoticed they “feel used,” and that they feel it is an “insult.”


Perez has recently been under fire for lack of hiring diversity in the DNC. In an analysis of DNC spending on consultancy work from March 2017 to February 2018, only 17.6 percent of the $17.5 million budget has gone to racial and minority-owned business. The analysis stated only 6.4 percent of spending went to black-owned business, and Latino spending allocation was even less at 4.3 percent.



Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:47 a.m. No.1548167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8203 >>8246 >>8259 >>8282

‘Scared And Frail’ Harvey Weinstein Griped About Tight Handcuffs


Harvey Weinstein may have been smiling as he made his perp walk in New York City to the courthouse on Friday, but he reportedly griped about the tightness of his handcuffs.


Law enforcement sources told the New York Post that Weinstein had to have not one, but three sets of handcuffs in order to “accommodate his wide waistline,” but the former Hollywood mogul “still whined that the cuffs were too tight.”


After Weinstein was put into a holding cell, he reportedly griped, “I don’t feel good.”


As the former movie producer was led in, a man yelled, “Oh, sh-t! That’s Harvey f—ing Weinstein!”


Sources said the 66-year-old Weinstein sat on the floor of the holding cell looking “scared and frail.” Page Six reports that he had difficulty walking as he went to court.


Weinstein — accused of rape, criminal sex acts, and sex abuse — was released on $1 million bail, but is under house arrest and cannot travel outside the states of New York or Connecticut.



Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.1548195   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To these people, it's all just words, hopefully the populous hears and believes them. These Dem's don't believe in what they are saying one tiny ounce of it. All about influence, money, power, ego's and that's it.

Anonymous ID: f29d52 May 26, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.1548228   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Which is why Obama fought so hard for him to lead the party, they ended up with this, guy and Keith Ellison, another racist. The average dem out there is in for a real shock when this all floods out.