You're the only Baker that follows orders from the high command here.
Gonna need you to stick around until BO finds the time to samefag as one again.
You're the only Baker that follows orders from the high command here.
Gonna need you to stick around until BO finds the time to samefag as one again.
Board history cannot be memory holed by those that seen't it.
Same thing applies to your over-use of the banhammer as BV.
>Attempting to speak for all anons
This Anon wants the deletes to end and only apply to illegal and 50+ spammers trying to disrupt the hive.
Otherwise it's meet the new boss same as the old boss fuckery that is killing QR and everything Q messaged about in the drops.
I was open minded about it until yesterday when BO clearly got busted samefagging.
That's an image board shill move that goes way back.
Of course OSS isn't going to stfu about it.
A lot of anons that rightfully criticized the OSS banhammer are now cheerleading the same thing under the new admin.
Hypocrisy much?
Board Civil War ended or just in a new phase?
Even if he wanted to I highly doubt Q will come back to drop in this shitshow environment.
>inb4 hurr durr y u here then???
Good question.
>Sums it up
Sure will.
QR is now a Chatboard that only goes past Cricketboard levels when it's fighting in a Board War.
BO still hasn't explained why he samefagged yesterday.
And now today it's all BO is awesome sauce posts like that.
Obvious is obvious.