game conversations with young gal in Toronto, she says there is no fruit or veggies on the shelves. Canadian anons need to start posting pics of empty shelves.
W is for Wait
They never fear us because they are never punished for their deeds. Even though we say we do not consent they force on us anyways so they violate their own code as well.
But I am still waiting and will probably be waiting until I am dead.
yes that too.
good they have about 600 more or so to go
truckers just need to go to Trudy's house and glog up the uppercrust hood where he's at. Also clog it so no cops can get thruโฆ. then gather and start singing truck you troodough
IDC what was offered to (((them))), but I do not consent. I DO NOT CONSENT.
I didnt get jabbed either. I'm also long term unemployed so it hard to fuck over someone who has nothing. When my animal dies they cant threaten me with that.