Doing some spitballing here.
Was just thinking…Had the deep state managed to install Hillary, how many of us would've just thrown up our hands and given up?
When Trump won 2016, he showed us what a real president is. We finally had a president that actually cared about the people. A lot of us had a taste of something really nice and we wanted MOAR. We realized we didn't have to put up with the deep state bullshit. I think that inspired a lot of us to actually fight instead of bowing our heads in defeat (I speak for some of us, not all).
Now with Pedo Joe stealing the election, I am thinking it's really inspired us to fight for our country. We're giving that dirty old man and his buddies a run for their money. Q was right, it had to be this way. And I don't think the precipice is at the same point for all people. The precipice is the point where you say "waitaminnit–FUCK THIS" and start fighting back.
I think this will lead to the Republic being restored and power being actually transferred back to We the People. And this covid bullshit, along with election fraud, is exposing the traitors, on both sides of the aisle. We know who needs to be tarred, feathered, and shipped off to prison.
What do you guys think?