Thank the JEW-LOVING BOOMERS and their (((TOLERANCE))) for that.
Fucking JEW-Loving BOOMERS!!!
Thank the JEW-LOVING BOOMERS and their (((TOLERANCE))) for that.
Fucking JEW-Loving BOOMERS!!!
Bye. Don't let the door hit you in your FAT Boome Jew-LOVING ASS on the way out.
Fucking toad!
The JEW-LOVING BOOMERS and their JEW-MASTERS age restricted your vidya.
For their safety, I am sure.
Boomers are worse than jews. They really are.
Probably a whistle-blower being framed by JEW-LOVING BOOMERS and their jew masters.
We will never know the truth until the boomers and their jew masters are neutralized.
No. I will tell the Truth until my last breath.
Fuck your Fee-Feesโฆ
I am a bigot, racist, and jew-hater, and proud of it.
Local (((LAW ENFORCEMENT))) are GloboHomo and won't do shit because they follow the dictates of their jew masters.
Their jew masters, along with their BOOMER MINIONS want NIGGERS all over the USA because it is "TOO WHITE."
Have you heard of the 2nd amendment?
Boomers support this.
This is a depiction of "Russian" jews killing off white people. This is why the Boomers need to be eliminated along with the jews.
Fuck you, jew-loving boomer jew-loving assholes!
You have no idea.
Zogbots kill a white man on the freeway.
Yay! Another white man killed by ZOGBOTS for our safety!
Boomers love NIGGER SPEAK because it makes their JEWISH MASTERS happy.
Pretty soon, Americans, if they can even be called that, will have a less than 25 word vocabulary, where most of their verbalizations will be nigger grunts.
Thanks for reducing the world to SHIT, you JEW-LOVING BOOMERS!
You are responsible for this.
Let me try to help you out.
Economy used to be simple. This equals that. Jews cannot steal your wealth with such a simplistic system, so they created this bullshit known as economy.
Instead of 2+2=4, under the jew, 2+2= what the jew tells you it equals.
Same for clockfags and their bullshit predictions.
When you cannot understand, and ask reasonable questions, they tell you "If you understood 4th grade math, you would get it, STUPID!!!"
It is bullshit. Always was, and always will be, just like jew science, economics, etc.
I am an "up" person. I just have ZERO TOLERANCE for JEWS and their BOOMER JEW-LOVING MINIONS.
There is some hope. I know it is fucked, but, many young Whites are not playing the jew / jew-loving Boomer game, and are not falling for that shit. As for the half-breed monsters in your pict, there is little to no future for them in the new world.
You may have noticed that I ignore you.
But thenโฆ
Jews took the GOYIM DEATH SHOT.
They are not dying because of memeflu. They are dying for taking the GOYIM DEATH SHOT.
Oh, well.
Thanks for making a show about me.
It just fuels my desire to expose JEW-LOVING BOOMERS and their JEW MASTERS!
What a nice compliment.
Only, it is as if they are jumping into the fake ovens willingly. LMAO!
>So you live in a Jewish neighborhood?
Not yet, but as soon as the JEW-LOVING BOOMER and their JEW MASTERS have their way, that will probably happen.
>you have to use a committal bath house?
Not yet. As I stated, the BOOMER JEW-LOVERS have not worked with their jews to make that mandatory. If that were to happen, out come the guns.
>the cashier at the local A&P gave you the wrong change and they were Jewish?
At all times in my life when I was short-Changed it was because of Jews, or their niggers. They learned the hard way, like you will soon enough.
>All boomers are Jews and all Jews are boomers with Boomerish friends?
Nice strawman. Argue with a 12 year old next time.
>So the Boomerish people fucked up your life and that makes you an "up" person?
No. The BOOMER and their JEW MASTERS fucked up my life, and the lives of all of the generations that came after them. They are going to pay in this life or the next, and it looks like both from where I stand.
Do you have any other stupid questions?
Thanks. I have not.
But you have.
Sucks to be you.
Try harder the next time around.
Try to not be so stupid next time.
Stop with the Antisemitic memes, anon.
All of the jews and boomers are going to have apoplectic seizures!
>Maybe I can't understand it is because its not logical.
Maybe you can't understand because you are RETARDED, or simple DO NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND?
That's how the jews, and their BOOMER MINIONS data mine your for profit and future laws that limit your ability to move, think, etc.
Nice non argument. You would make a fine lawyer if you are a nigger.
>anon is calling on anons and autists to dig on who is behind these attack ads
Jews, anon. IT IS THE JEWS.
I remember when AFLB was offering $2.00 blowjobs at the truck stop when we hit 1200 breads.
Good times.
I'm thinking you can't make an argument, and when you are called out on it, you cry like a woman.